Unable to join channels (25 Jan 2023)

I am getting this issue as well.

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Many people are reporting this problem on many different channels. I have moved these posts to one thread to consolidate them. Go to the top of this thread, and you can see all the many different reports. Started sometime in the last 24 hours. :thinking:


No, I just installed my first Zooz products yesterday. Have never reset my hub.

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Hi! Was this issue resolved? I don’t seem to be able to join any channel at all. I receive a "Internal server error when trying to join ANY channel. For example this one: SmartThings. Add a little smartness to your things.

Welcome to the SmartThings Community, @Boenne!

This issue was about the channel invitation page kept loading and showed a 403 error in the Developer Tools.
Could you share a screenshot of the issue you see and also open the Developer Tools of the browser? You need to open it on a PC, for Chrome, you need to use Ctrl+shift+i
Select the tab “console” and see the error shown there.

For me it’s currently a 500 error, when I try to accept the invitation

Here you go!

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Multiple reports of something similar this morning:

Unable to join channels (25 Jan 2023)

Hi, everyone.

There was a general issue, the team mentioned it should be solved now, please help us check if it works for you.

Thanks, @JDRoberts for moving those posts and providing the link in the other thread.


Tested, works for me now! Thanks to you and the team :smiley:

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One I’ve tried is working (i.e., Channel and Drivers Web UI ); another is not (i.e., Z-Wave Lock PH v1.00)…spinning circle, never connects.

Same for me with the Z-Wave lock link.

HI, @William_Engel, @epukane.
Did you accept the invitation to that channel before? If not, you need to use the link to accept it, if you use the URL of the channel directly, it won’t let you access it, where did you get the URL from?

I just got the same error trying to enrol in the Zooz driver channel. Might be a system bug.

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This problem isn’t related to the channel or driver.
I would recommend you to try again later.
At least it worked for me now.

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Just tried it at 7:25am EST… still the same error message

If you search for “There was an internal server error.” in the forum, you will see a LOT of people reporting the same error in the last 24 hours.

So, again, it isn’t related to the channel or driver.
My suggestion is try again later or ask ST for support.


Very odd sir. I was able to sign up to 2 other channels with no problem. I’ll try again later on and will keep you posted. I appreciate your help.

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I clicked on Z-Wave Lock PH v1.00 above. I hit enable on the Channel URL, but got an error message after accepting the link.

Spinning circle at Channel and Drivers Web UI