Are there issues with logging in (from iOS)? I hate it when this happens right as I’m installing a new device. I have 2 different hubs at different locations, with different accounts and can’t login to either currently. Anyone else experiencing this or did something weird happen with my app? Nothing showing as a problem on the status page. is also not responding for me at the moment.
I am experiencing the same issue as both you guys.
Sweet, it’s not just me!
Opened Support request #192424
Mine’s down as well and Amazon Echo can’t connect. Hopefully temporary. Are you getting a message about inter connection failure or something like that?
Yep, came here looking for a thread like this. Figured I wasn’t the only one not able to log into the IDE.
I just submitted a ticket. If you guys haven’t, please do quickly.
I just submitted one too. Both iPhone and Android are completely down. Glad I spent all this money for things to 50% of the time…who is running this thing?
Yep, everything is down for me too, including IDE.
me too. I put in a ticket as well.
That might be the quickest I’ve ever seen the status page updated!
Both hubs unreachable. All cannot connect to either location
“Major” is not good. I guess the contact sensor I was installing broke the camel’s back!
If there’s an outage, ST is ARMED at the house, will intrusion alert be active? If so, how do I disable it locally? (I’m a newbie sorry if this has been covered in the past).
So tired of cloud everything…
Same here… IDE out, Phone apps not working, amazon echo stating: that command doesn’t work on that device…
Where do you find the status page?
I wish Z-Wave wasn’t so tricky to get on going with Ardunio or something. For non-Z-Wave this looks pretty rad:
Whenever an outage like this happens and if I was in the IDE messing around with code a few minutes before, I always get that weird feeling that I somehow wrote something so messed up that it caused it.