Time based events failing?

There are at least three other threads besides this one, all describing bits and pieces of similar problems:

As if this weren’t bad enough, there is little to no involvement by ST in any of the threads, and Support (when they finally get around to responding) seems to be operating in a vacuum. I’ve read in these various threads of people with the same or similar issues that are actively involved with Support in troubleshooting, yet the person I’m dealing with is still in the discovery mode. Not faulting him, but honestly… there seems to be no communication at ST – either externally to suffering customers, or internally amongst themselves. Multiple people working on similar issues, seemingly unaware of what the other is doing. This is insane!

Okay, I feel better now. :smile:
Just to end on semi high note, and for the benefit of people who are looking for something to try, here what works (temporarily) for me.

  1. Delete all Routines that involve the failing mode
  2. Remove all reference to the failing mode in configured smartapps
  3. Delete the failing mode
  4. Recreate the mode you just deleted
  5. Add back Routines and smartapp references in the same order you removed them (not sure if the order actually matters, but it works).

This is specifically for modes that fail to change as a result of a time-scheduled Routine. In my case, other actions that are part of the Routine execute… only the Mode change fails. Of course, things scheduled to happen as a result of the Mode change will also fail.
NOTE Re #3, above: Yesterday I encountered a situation where I could not delete the mode within the IDE. It produced this error:

However, I was able to delete it from the mobile app.

My open ticket is #154180. If you have a similar issue, please reference the number to Support, so that we may possibly get the same people involved working on them.