The following is an old topic, but you may find something more like what you’re looking for there. If not, some of the people there can probably help.
I have a SmartApp that brightens lights in a zone when there is motion or a door opens. It dims the lights after a given timeout period. I have 6 instances of the app on one hub, (6 different lighting zones), and 8 on another hub, in another building. When the app initializes, it starts the scheduler to run a scheduleCheck() function every minute, to turn off lights, when appropriate. It was working for months. Then it stopped dimming reliably. I have determined that the scheduleCheck() function stops running as scheduled. I have also noticed that it now usually schedules at the top of the minute, i.e., the seconds are zero. This did not used to be the case. And the time between scheduled calls can be 1, 2, or 3 minutes. I have just installed a workaround, in which I re-initializ…