The End of Groovy Has Arrived

Right now you don’t have to have a hub to have a virtual device (I have several) and they can be really useful for creating integrations with other systems. Or even just grouping devices together on the SmartThings platform.

I know there are community developers who have created edge drivers for virtual devices, but those require having a hub.

Are there any plans to let the vast majority of us who don’t have a smartthings/Aeotec hub still use virtual devices? Or is that feature just going to go away for us “hub optional“ users? :thinking:


@RBoy any plans to convert your DTH to Edge Drivers?
What is your plan for some of your Smart Apps (LUM)?


Were those devices paired automatically to a stock DTH? This means that even if the DTH didn’t have their fingerprints, they were connected through the generic ones. Stock DTHs are being converted to drivers including generic fingerprints so, knowing how they’re currently connected helps us understand the situation.


It paired with “Z-Wave Switch Secure” as local in the IDE (ie, one of the “built in” drivers that runs local). It did pair with S2 when I gave the 5 digit pin.

I have the beta edge z-wave switch driver installed, didn’t detect this device. I didn’t see a “zwave secure switch” option in the list of beta drivers.

zw:Ls2a type:1001 mfr:001A prod:0053 model:0050 ver:1.01 zwv:4.61 lib:03 cc:5E,55,98,9F sec:86,85,59,72,5A,73,6C,7A,71,25,27,70

Its a “Eaton Z-Wave Plus Wireless ON/OFF Plug In Module”. Model number RF96APM. Supports S2/Smart Start.

If I had waited another month or two to start looking at Edge driver transitioning, I might be in a bit of a panic.

I have to imagine there are many folk who will be, but all-and-all, Edge drivers installations are easier to explain than explaining logging into the IDE and copy, paste, publish etc…

It’s a reset for Smartthings, but I feel like it’s a good one.


Hi ST People, when Groovy Shutdown (very soon 30-Sep)…

  1. What is going to happen with Philips Hue link?
  2. What can user do to replace Life 360 (is going to be out of the scope)?
  3. What can user do to integrate RF devices as AC, Fan, TV…etc (Harmony is going to be out of the scope)?
  4. Does IFTTT can give a hand ?



There is a custom Edge Driver for Harmony that you can check out f. It can manage a single Harmony hub only

The Philips Hue integration will continue to work.

are you iOS or Android?


Not that Samsung cares but I feel so let down.

I’m deeply invested in ST and the work community developers have done. We were promised feature parity and now we get official word that some things may simply not work any more post Sep 30. “Sorry folks, you’re on your own.”

I hit 200 Routines today trying like mad to move over my WC pistons. I’m not even close to converting all those. Routines STILL does not do everything SmartLighting did. And we’re forced to create multiple routines to handle what could be done in a single SmartLighting ‘routine’ yet we have this 200 Routine limit.

I have tried reading-up on the Rules API today. I think I’m a reasonably smart guy but I have a job too and don’t think I have time to mess with that mess.

I will look at SharpTools but why should I have too?

@SmartThings This is a major fail.

EDIT: I just ordered another ZEN32 today. Unless I’m mistaken I’m SOL setting-up any routines for its awesome feature set as I’ve hit the ST-imposed 200 routine limit. So I guess I’ll be returning it.


That is no good if you have multiple Harmony hubs.

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edited my post … thanks

Wow, I didn’t realize this… That’s gonna be a problem!


Hi my friend …thanks for your kindly answers !.. Family is a mix of iOS and Andorid… Thanks !

for iOS, if you are not going to use Phone Presence in the ST app and you have some type of HomeKit hub such as Apple TV, HomePod, HomePod mini, or iPad that is always on and can be used as a HomeKit hub, you can purchase a Meross outlet. I believe @JDRoberts has written something on this topic.

Note: the iPad used as a Homekit hub will not support matter in the future.

For Android: I don’t really know the answer for that at the moment. What I thought could be used is no longer available.

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For iOS. This one is easy and reliable as long as HomeKit presence is reliable. It does mean buying another device, although it’s a pretty inexpensive one.

How to Use a Meross or Matter Plug to Use HomeKit Presence to Trigger ST Routines

For Android, Tasker plus SharpTools is currently a popular presence option. it does require buying two paid apps if you don’t already have them. As @charlie969 notes below The old method with Tasker plug-ins and sharptools will not work after the transition, but there is a different method using webhooks that would.

SharpTools/Tasker for presence detection (2022)

Another android option is to capture when the phone connects to the home Wi-Fi. there’s an Edge Driver option for that, although I think that one is technically more complex to set up. And it won’t work with all Wi-Fi routers.

[ST Edge] LAN Device Monitor - #48 by TAustin

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SharpTools Tasker plugins will no longer work after Groovy shuts down…


Are all SmartApps no longer supported? I am using a few made by Smartthings, such as Speaker Companion, Smart Lighting and Enhanced Auto Lock Door. Are these apps going away on September 30th as well? If so, are there any plans to replace them?


Smart lighting will be migrated. The others you will need to manually migrate to Routines in the app.

It also dawned on me the smartapp I use for notifications is way better that any routine because it’s an all-in-one app and it includes the device name in the notification. Routines right now don’t do that if I recall correctly. Replicating the capabilities of that app in routines will take me over too.


If they migrate Smart Lighting to routines, they better introduce tags or folders to organize routines as well or it’s going to be one big messy list!

My main issue is with the Speaker Companion though. I use it to start a playlist on my Sonos and that feature does not seem to be available with Routines.


What is being done about the limit of 200 routines?