I have set up an Ubuntu machine up and working and installed the st-device-sdk-c and all the other bits that were needed. I eventually managed to a successful compile and flashed an 8266 board with the switch_example from github. I have set up the device in the developer workspace and put it in test mode.
I can see the 8266 power up and can even see the wifi ap it creates. The problem is Im not sure what is supposed to happen next.
Am I supposed to on a phone connect to the device access point then get prompted for my normal wifi credentials? I have tried connecting to the device access point from the phone but I dont know the password.
Thanks for the reply. So if Im understanding you correctly
As of today there is NO WAY to join my own devices because the phone apps are not at the correct version.
The 8266 does not need to join the WiFi network to get connected? Surely somehow I have to enter wifi credentials to put it on my normal wifi network? Where and when does this happen? I have seen nothing that explains this.
Developers have reported that they’ve been blocked by an update pop-up, even if they’re supporting the latest app version.
Our team keeps investigating this issue to enable the possibility to deploy test devices.
Regarding the testing process, once you access your integration at the My Testing Devices section (following @edukinara indications), you’ll be prompted to follow the Onboarding process that you’ve created at the Developer Workspace, including connecting to your wifi network.
So in short, no way to join a device at the moment, we need to wait for a new version of the app or something to be fixed on the cloud servers.
On the slightly more positive side, I did generate the QR code via the python script (The other link qr.samsungiots.com in docs doesnt seem to work!) and I got a bit further with the adding devices.
What I am seeing is
Have enabled developer mode in the app.
Start the add new device function in the app
Select the scan QR code option
Press a couple of Nexts in the app
Then get a pop up that asks if I want to join my devices Access Point.
Select to Join.
Then I can see in the monitor window, phone connect to wifi and some messages get exchanged to cloud servers over my mobile data via the app on the phone?
I had the same problem for a while and support referred me to this post.
I want to let you know that I have just updated the app and can go to the next step.
So the problem is fixed.
PS. the update wasn’t available earlier.
I dont seem to have the update to the app yet. Nothing on the iPhone anyway, probabbly take a couple of days to work its way through the system. My Galaxy S5 trys to update but gets an error about no longer being compatible with my device. My current Android version is 1.7.47-22:frowning:
@edukinara: I got to the point where I have the device configured and registered with Serial Number STDK0AvqwrgCad7A and device_info.json and onboarding_config.json in switch_example/main folder.
Code compiled and uploaded to device.
I can even see the WiFi network.
When I try to do Search Nearby nothing is found.
When I go to add device from My testing devices it gets all the way through
So eventually the app updated on the iPhone. I tried deleting the app from my S5 but now i cant even get the .49 version back on! grrrr
So on the iPhone things are no better, in fact possibly a bit worse. When i try to add the device it just keeps failing. I tried deleting the device in the workspace and recreating - no luck. Even created a new serial etc in the SDK, generating new serial and keys and recompile and flash and adding that serial etc to workspace.
When I see the devices wireless displayed, it wont let me connect now, just prompts for password.
This issue has been detected and it is being reviewed. As a workaround, please run the following command before flashing your device and let me know if the behavior is different:
# Add the esptool.py to your PATH if necessary
esptool.py --port <your_port> erase_flash
I ran the esptool.py (located in bsp/esp8266/components/esptool_py/esptool/ ) and then flashed the device again.
Unfortunately I still get Error code: 81-001
I just submitted the error from the SmartThings app (it said it would include the logs which I hope can help).
Not really. It looks like the signature validation is not working correctly but don’t have info see if the problem is in the mobile app or the device.
@edukinara: are you able to reproduce this behavior?