I have two presence sensors, one for myself (my primary Android phone) and a simulated one for testing. During this melt-down period, they have both exhibited crazy things…
The testing one seems to have mostly stabilized now (i.e. I set it to AWAY, and it seems to be staying AWAY), but my Android phone keeps going away and coming back over and over and over, all day long.
So, since my phone is the only presence device that is being used by the system to know whether the MODE should be HOME or AWAY or whatever, I suspect that my MODEs have likely been continuously changing all day long as well, but I haven’t looked into that yet.
Also, multiple times, I have gone in and increased the radius for where my home is in the SmartThings Android mobile app. It’s so far out away from my house now that it’s useless. Holy crap! How freakin far out does it have to be?
If the radius needs to be bigger than it is now and that’s your answer, then my question becomes…
why can’t I just have a presence status for my phone which is in its holster on my belt and/or sitting on my desk at home that is correct and consistently so without having the system think I’m home when I’m miles away from my house? That’s just stupid….and dangerous.
How can I ever have ANYTHING related to security/perimeter or presence or arriving/leaving that actually works, and is safe for my family if we have to set our home location to a radius that is miles larger than our yard, let alone our house?
p.s. I also sent in a support request about this at the same time of creating this post, and I will update here from that when/if I get any relevant responses that aren’t also already in here.