Just as soon as I get back my youtube app on my 2013 Samsung “Smart” TV. Terrible company.
Well, connect is now smartthings and most my devices still don’t work in there. I reported the bug in centercode. Any other ideas to get it working?
I am in a similar boat and not sure what to do.
Half of my devices don’t even show up in connect and of the ones that do about half actually work.
The app is completely useless to me now
Can you clarify what devices do not show up or work? Just wondering how the migration will affect my setup.
It sounds like we are all about to migrate in some sense…
We’re delighted to announce that a new SmartThings app is coming.
The SmartThings app you’ve been using has been renamed “SmartThings Classic” in the app store.
For now you don’t need to do anything, please continue to use this app as usual.
We’ll notify you as soon as the new SmartThings app is ready to transition with next steps.
I wonder if using to new app requires you to migrate to a samsung account
The reviews concerning the automation (SmartThings) part of the new app are scary bad. The screen shots do not show much but show enough that I think my WAF is going to plummet. I hope they don’t deprecate the existing app anytime soon.
yeah from what I have seen it just looks like the samsung connect app with “smartthings” logo slapped on it
If it makes you guys feel better, all my automations transferred over. Thought for sure they would be messed up, they’re there. Even core stuff.
Only about one tenth of my devices show as available (even though they are all listed) in the new ‘Smartthings’ app and half of these do not open etc. This is all extremely worrying tbh, on top of this my original Android app now takes about 10 tries to load up the device list (iOS is better). I understand that things need to move on and progress however I actually see all this as a complete step backwards unfortunately and I can see myself jumping ship soon.
Same here, only 1/4 of my devices actually work. Basically anything with a custom device handler says “can not connect” when selected. On top of that it is also very slow and clunky to get around. I’m biting my tong for ever complaining about the “classic” app… I also have two hubs showing up now and one is “offline”
The email communication clearly said to keep using the SmartThings Classic app until the new one is brought up to parity. Not sure why it is surprising to see things not working in the new app.
It is not just about the new app, it is the whole direction that Samsung is heading with ST. It just does not look good for us (compared to what we have now) even though that may be a way off yet. Only time will tell of course but there have not been lots of reassurances in comparison to the planned changes…
It seems to me that Smartthings has had several years to approve a lot of these Custom DTHs from Github and make them official. Instead they have deprecated a lot of the available apps. What leads us to believe that now they will speed up the process so that everyone has a seamless transition? I use my Smartthings as a backup for my Security system, and while my situation is not as bad as some other users, I do have my Arlo cameras, Bosch motion sensors and Cree lights all working as I wish them to work, iI they do not work in the new system, I will be very pissed. I surely hope that they keep both apps available until each customer is completely working with their devices.
Youtube apps on lots of older devices are no longer available. That’s been forced by Google, not the makers of the clients. Same for older Apple TV, Fetch TV etc.
I just hope the new change over from ST to Samsung Connect will be awesome! My dad has the samsung connect home and I feel that the connect home app fails in mayways, compared to the ST app. The ST app is almost 100% user friendly and the connect app is maybe 3% (that’s being nice) user friendly. Infact my dad just stopped using the wifi part on the connect b.c it was not giving him the speeds he can get with the google wifi. Also, I was trying to setup “scenes” or whatever you want to call them and could not get it to work right and gave us and started using IFTTT.
I have 2 devices in Samsung connect only…so no way I can use this until they merge my accounts if ever.
Hi guys. I see b ith apps have been updated but I thought everything was suppose to transfer from classic to the revamped connect app? I have the same.email & password for.both accounts. I’m hoping I don’t have to disconnect all devices and repair them with the new app.
I sure hope not, well not in the near future anyway. The new app is useless IMHO, if you take a look at it you will see exactly what I mean.
If they kill the classic app before all functionality is moved across then I am moving to another platform. However I do feel this is inevitable anyway based on the new direction they are heading with ST. We will have little to no control like we do with the current system/setup.
So it seems that the new app is out. I downloaded it but it seems that I have to setup a new account. I am wondering if we already have a ST developer account, do we have to setup a Samsung account? And if so, how do I get all me DTH’s, smartapps, virtual stuff over. I don’t want to do this all over again!
You will need a Samsung account, period.
I would not do anything until they force the migration upon us.
The communication that has gone out for this in th ST Classic app and the generic email updates that ST has sent out is poor.
The judgement that was used to begin this migration process is really bad. Having both apps coincide side by side is one thing, but their methodology, well it doesn’t matter that I disagree with it.
Bottom line, for now, to keep yourself out of trouble, continue running SmartThings in the Classic app as you have been doing and wait for them to give you 3 hours notice to perform the migration to the new App.
@slagle - you have had to see the 15 different topics on this over the last week. Who thought this was a great way to introduce this to the ST customer base with these emails and inserted notifications into the classic app?
I roll with what you guys do, but the way this is being rolled out is creating more pandemonium because people don’t know what the heck they are supposed to do. Telling them to update or install the new app when it isn’t even complete. They see this and think that they have to install now, not even knowing that they must first create a Samsung account to do so. Then when they do, their accounts are jacked up with Home locations.
I thought when the migration was ready, people would simply be notified by email and then they would be presented with the Migration Banner in their current ST Classic app to cutover on a specific date. Instead you guys have created mass hysteria for people and they have no clue what they are supposed to do. Just my thoughts.