Hi @nayelyz,
Yesterday afternoon, European time, I updated and published several drivers in a short period of time to add a print of the memory used by the driver in the logcat, ( print(collectgarbage("count"))
, nothing that affects the operation of the driver.
Some users experienced multiple device disconnections several hours later when the drivers on their hubs were updated, as you can see in the comments here
I don’t know if this may have to do with the possible simultaneous update of several drivers and the handling that the hub does of this process.
In IDE the hub events show a HubUpdated event every time a driver is updated.
I carried out the update process, but with the CLI and I was installing the new version one by one and I had no problem, but possibly when it was done automatically and simultaneously there have been problems in some Hubs
I don’t know if it would be convenient for your team to review the process of a multiple update of several drivers automatically.
It issue happened again a few months ago, that I added the firmareUpdate capability to several drivers at the same time
@Paul_Oliver and @milandjurovic71 and others user, Sorry for inconvenience caused
I will no longer update multiple drivers at once in the future