SmartThings changed device names

Earlier today I added 1 ZOOZ Wall Switch. It went in and included without issue. About an hour later I went to SharpTools to refresh my devices as I now had a new device. All went without issue, at least thats what I thought. While adding the new device to a dashboard I noticed almost every device now had a “1” after their names in my device list. I immediatley went into SmartThings and sure enough, almost every device now has a “1” after it.

I also noticed my devices are no longer in the rooms they were assigned to. They are all in “ALL DEVICES” in the mobile app. I also checked in SmartThings Advanced and they all have the “1” after the name there as well.

1 additional thing. When I click on a tile in the mobile app to open the device, I get this message on some, but not all.

I cannot believe this was due to adding a device… Any idea what’s going on here???

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Other people reported this problem a few weeks ago.

I have also seen the message numerous times over the past week or 2. I am using an Android 14 phone and tablet.

Thanks Paul. I didn’t see that.

I guess it’s nice to be in “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it mode”. I haven’t been in the ST app in a while. I guess I’ll be awhile moving 125 devices back to where they belong!

This hit me a few weeks ago when I went to replace a Z-Wave lock that was failing.

I have 135 devices, and most got the new last name of 1. I also had everything organized into 17 rooms, and suddenly everything was moved to the room with the hub.

To make matters much worse for me, not sure if it was when the 1 was added or when I removed the pesky 1 and moved the devices back to the correct room, but a significant number of routines and Smart Lighting automations broke and had to be rebuilt… so keep an eye out for that added fun!

I use SharpTools for my automations. Everything working there… even though all the devices were renamed… fingers crossed!

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You probably moved hub to different room. This happened to me when I added new hub and moved old hub to different room in the app.


It’s been in the same place for years.

Not moved physically. Moved to different room in the app.

Same for mine.

My v2 hub has been in the same room in the app and in the same physical location in my house since about 2015, when v2s first started rolling off the shelf… although I do appreciate anyone who tries to make some sense of the latest SmartThings nonsense! :wink:

It’s been in the same virtual room for years.

I’ve been thinking. I checked the history of of a temperature sensor 2 days ago. I would have noticed if the name of that sensor had a " (space) 1" added to it. It would have gone from “Greenhouse 2” to “Greenhouse 2 1” which is pretty noticable. I’d say in my case it was caused by adding the new wall switch…


Hi, @JKB121, @JKnight

I’m collecting more details on the circumstances where the issue happened, could you help me confirm the following info, please?

  1. Clarification:
    a. Based on your description, this issue happened on Nov 6th, correct?
    b. The issues are the following:
    All your Devices were moved to the room where the Hub is despite being arranged in others.
    c. All their names were changed adding “1” at the end
  2. Did it happen on its own or did you perform an action like adding a new device?
  3. If you try to move the devices back to their room or change their name, do you get an error?

@nayelyz ,

@nayelyz I don’t know if this is helpful but I have seen this in the past with discreet devices when being ‘rediscovered’ after going off line for some reason:

  • In some cases device battery down to 0
  • Reset device - replacing battery if needed
  • Rediscover device
  • Original device remains off line
  • Device rediscovered suffixed ‘… 1’ as a ‘new’ device

I then had to adjust routine references to ‘… 1’ device, delete original device and rename ‘… 1’ device back to its original.

This was however some time ago, over a period of a few weeks and not consistent. I put it down to being an occasional glitch and when it stopped happening I forgot about it 'till reading this thread. It was mainly (but not limited to) Sonoff open/close sensors and Aurora sockets that did this.

I have performed this often since when devices go off line and I need them back before they come online again (or they don’t come back). The rediscovery process, for me, is now consistently rediscovering the (same) devices with no name issues and with everything else remaining in place.

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Hi @nayelyz

Here’s the answers to your questions:

  1. Clarification:
    a. Based on your description, this issue happened on Nov 6th, correct?

No. My issue started when I installed a new wall switch on 11/30 at 3:56 PM Eastern.

b. The issues are the following:
All your Devices were moved to the room where the Hub is despite being arranged in others.

No. Mine were all moved to “All Devices” in the mobile app.

c. All their names were changed adding “1” at the end

Just to be clear, what is being added is a space and 1. So “Greenhouse 2” was changed to “Greenhouse 2 1”

  1. Did it happen on its own or did you perform an action like adding a new device?

Added a new wall switch. The only thing I did differently is this case was added using the QR code. Usually I just scan for new device.

  1. If you try to move the devices back to their room or change their name, do you get an error?

All devices got moved back to the rooms they were in previously and the “space 1” was deleted without issue. Please note the screenshot of the message above that I got when opening quite a few of the devices in the mobile app that day. I also got that message today when opening the device I added Saturday.

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I am a bit puzzled by that statement. Your devices are always in ‘All devices’. It is just a single view of all your devices grouped by room and your screenshot clearly shows a number of devices in your ‘Great room’. Is that after you moved them back or is it that the individual Room views are empty despite the ‘All devices’ showing the correct room?


That screenshot is showing devices in all devices not great room. If you notice all devices is bold and the other rooms are not. The other rooms still existed they were just empty. When the app first opened and it was in another room I was immediately concerned because as I scrolled through the rooms they all had the its lonely in here message and I thought for some reason I lost all my devices.

Somehow it’s funny that the relief of finding all the devices not gone somehow softened the agony of having to rename them and move them back where they were.

That was written specifically to contrast other users who found their devices in the room where their hub was. In my case that was not true. Everything including the hub was in all devices and all the other rooms were empty.

Yes, but ‘All devices’ always has all your devices in them, grouped by Room and using the same sort order. There is a subheading ‘Great room’ above the icons, with the up arrow on the right being available to collapse the room. That suggests that when it comes to displaying ‘All devices’ it is perfectly aware that there are devices in the ‘Great room’. An empty room wouldn’t be displayed under ‘All devices’.

Each device object in the API includes the ID of the room it is in. However the sort order for various things in the client app has a separate endpoint. I rather suspect something unpleasant is going on with that.

As you say though, what you are seeing seems a little different to others. However your devices haven’t moved to ‘All devices’, they are always shown there. The interesting thing is that ‘All devices’ seems to be suggesting your rooms are populated (or at least one is) but the individual Room displays show them empty.

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Understood. So instead of saying they were moved to all devices perhaps I should have said they are only visible under all devices. No matter how you slice it, the end result was the individual rooms looked like the screenshot at the bottom of this post.

Which is what I’m saying. On that day the list of devices under all devices were in one large group. They were not broken up into individual rooms. (Like they are now because I fixed them) Even though I could swipe to a room at the top, each room looked exactly like this.

I came on here specifically looking for this issue. I just added two more Zooz switches within the last hour and it did the same thing to me that it’s doing to many of those on this thread. This happened also roughly two weeks ago when I added most of my Zooz switches. Every time I’d add the switch, it would add a 1 to nearly everything else on my hub (mostly switches and sensors) and move them to another room. I guess I’ll refrain from organizing my devices until after I’ve added and installed all of my switches or until this issue is fixed with ST or Zooz. I’ve also noticed it’s much easier and my original organizing went smoother and “stuck” when I did it on my browser via “my.smartthings”. On my phone it would take forever to rename and sometimes it wouldn’t stick. The browser version seemed to work fine.