Today, I noticed that most of my devices were renamed by having a 1 appended to them, and their locations were all changed to the room where my hub is. I wonder if that happened after an update. I have the version 2 hub with usb ports.
do you see the same in the Advanced Web App?
I wasn’t aware of that app. Thanks for pointing me to it.
I don’t know because I already fixed all the names and locations.
Since the latest Android app update, or on a similar timescale, I’ve noticed that the default name being used when joining devices has ’ 1’ appended to it. I guess this is an attempt to suggest unique names and that ’ 2’ and so on might also be offered if ’ 1’ is already taken. Fair enough I suppose.
Not fair enough is that on occasions ’ 1’ has actually been the entire name offered, and that the name the ’ 1’ is being appended to can be one the device previously had on the Location before it was deleted. Second guessing what I am doing is both presumptuous and generally not particularly helpful.
The default room offered also seems to have become that of the hub, even when ‘Add device’ was called when already in a different room.
So what you are seeing clearly relates to some slightly dubious changes made to default names and rooms, as well as being really weird in itself.
There is a whiff of AI gone wrong about this.
While I didn’t have any devices renamed, I did not that many, but not all of my devices moved to the room with the hub. It showed this way in the Android app and the Advanced Web App. I used the advanced web app to move them back where they belong. It is a bit of a tedious process because you must do it one device at a time.
This is one area where the mobile app is quite effective as it does allow multiple devices to be moved at once. There used to be separate menu items on each Room page for moving devices out of the Room to another Room, or moving devices into the Room. Now each Room page has a single Move devices menu that allows you to select from all your devices and then select the Room to move them to.
Thank you everyone. I’m glad to hear it wasn’t just me.
This happened to me today and now i cannot even move them to original room or rename them to remove the 1 since i get an unknow error.
Try Advanced Web App
Hi, @Dissonance
Sorry for the delay, I will report this issue so, I’m collecting information from the users that have reported it so far, so, could you provide the following, please?
- Clarification:
a. Based on your description, this issue happened on Nov 6th, correct?
b. The issues are the following:
All your Devices were moved to the room where the Hub is despite being arranged in others.
c. All their names were changed adding “1” at the end - Did it happen on its own or did you perform an action like adding a new device?
Hi, @KenW48360
You mentioned your devices weren’t renamed but they were moved to the Hub’s room. In your case, did it happen for no apparent reason or did you perform another action?
Hi, @v.prabhu.home
How are you trying to put them back in their corresponding room and edit their name? Through the app or the Advanced Users app
I opened the App last night to discover most, if not ALL of my devices suddenly had a “1 1” Added to the end of their names.
Anyone else noticing this behavior? And besides going to all 200 devices and renaming, any mass fix?
a few users have been reporting that issue. You may want to try renaming devices in the Advanced Web App… still tedious but…
Hi, @kenobob
I moved your post here as your issue is related.
Could you confirm the same information I asked here, please?
They moved without any actions on my part. I went online one day and they were moved.
Sorry about the delay. I had added a new device. A zooz switch. I moved most devices back using the app manually. I am renaming them manually when i am modifying the device routines for anything.
One thing, I am happy about is that it didnt modify any of the routines and name change does not impact routines,if it had that would have been a mess for me atleast.
This just happened to me just now. I went to try to readd an offline device, and a zwave device appeared, I skipped advanced security, then it showed I had readded all my preexisting (zwave/zigbee) devices with " 1" appended to the name. They all ended up the same room the hub is in. Despite the name and room change, the devices retained history.
Note that partner-linked devices (lifx, Philips, etc) were unaffected.
Hi, @dsims
Sorry for the delay in my reply. Since you posted, I mentioned to the internal team that this continues to happen, but I haven’t received more feedback. I’ll ping them again since someone else reported it as well.
Happened again to me when adding a new Zooz double relay just now. Every device except for a few moved into my Hub and Virtual devices room. Most of them have a 1 at the end. This is tiring. I love Smartthings but cmon dont make me do this everytime.
I have 3 more switches that I plan to add this week and I am dreading that this will happen again after each addition.
Happened to me twice this week!
I’ve been adding some Jasco & ZooZ Zwave switches to my SmartThings account this past week. I try to add them using S2 security but that seems to work only half of the time.
I recently added 4 switches. On 2 occasions (during the S2 process of adding the device) — I get a popup screen that says Success! and then lists a ton of my other devices. However — those devices listed were added a long time ago and they are now showing in a different room and have been marked as a favorite! I then confirm that those older devices indeed were infact MOVED all to the same room as the device I added (which btw always adds to the same room — SmartThings Misc in my case — for whatever reason). I also confirm that my favorites now has a list of almost every (but not all) of my devices. I then go through the painstaking process of moving, un-favoriting and then re-organize each device in their respective room. Super frustrating.
On the last device add — a number of my old devices now have a “1” added to the end of the device name. So on top of having to move, unfavorite and re-arrange them, I need to also rename them and remove the “1” that was added to it.
What can I do to avoid this in the future?!
Nothing you can do to avoid it until ST isolates and resolves the issue on their end.