Smartthings Button Battery


I want to share something to see if other people have the same problem than me

I have 2 smartthings buttons in my bedroom to turn on/dim/off some smart light
The problem is that they drain the battery so fast for a device that should be idle 99% of the time
I changed 1 battery last week, today it showed at 70%, it doesn’t make sense to me

Is there something I can do about it, a setting to change, a custom device handler to try?


Does this button have Temperature capability?

If it does, it will send temperature events every 5 minutes or every 0.1 ° change.

This DTH allows you to configure the temperature reports and save battery.

I do not have buttons, but I have it installed the same in multipurpose smartthings and fey movement sensors. The battery saving is impressive. From 2 or 3 months to more than 1 year.
I have 6 and in 11 months they are between 50% and 70%, depending on the use of the area where they are installed.

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THANKS - the 0.1F / 5minute default reporting is getting obtrusive…

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Which DH are you referring to? I have a couple buttons and they both defaulted to the SmartSense Button DH, which only allows you to set a temperature offset. It doesn’t allow you to change an interval.

That being said, I haven’t had any problems with battery life. But I also pay no attention to battery percentages, as IMO they are seldom accurate. I just wait for the button to die and then replace the battery. I get at least 6 months, maybe more, from a button used regularly.

possibly this dth

In this publication are the links to the DTHs of the 5 smartthings devices compatible with the temperature report settings and the steps to install them correctly

Thanks, but that’s an app, not a device handler.

I see, thanks. I was thinking some were seeing those settings in the default DH, but you did one better!

i have about 20 of these buttons in use and the batteries last at least 8 months if not more. 50% get used daily and the others are automation overrides and panic buttons.

something you might want to check is your zigbee routing. i have plenty of powered zigbee plugs so there is ample paths back to the hubs.

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Mine are set to this type : SmartSense Button

I think right now they die after 1,5-2 months max each time
Don’t think they have temperature sensor on them

But I see on the IDE
checkInterval and temperature

Is there a way to change that ??

they do have temp and i dont thing there is a way to change the temp reading.

maybe try to re-pair them and see if that refreshes something for better battery life.

Is this problem something new drivers could/will fix? :thinking:

Assuming that the battery information is not 100% reliable and that the duration also depends, among other factors, on the ambient temperature where the sensor is installed, colder = less duration.

With the driver edge tests, install, uninstall … several times, a battery that was at 60% has ended prematurely depleted, it measures 2.6v without load, but as soon as it has to transmit to hub it breaks down and the sensor turns off.

This problem remains the same with the edge drivers, since the default configuration is the same as the dth, minimum interval 30 sec, maximum 5 minutes and reportable change 0.1 °.

With the help of @nayelyz, I have implemented in the driver preference settings for report maximum interval between 5 and 240 minutes and reportable change between 0.1° and 6°.
It works very well, easier than with the DTH, since it is dynamic and instantaneous and there is no need to do the DTH version change maneuver after each value change.
I have it working on 3 multipurpose ST sensors (Batt CR2450)and 3 ST motion Sensors (Batt CR123A).

For the ST button, humidity sensor, and humidity and temperature sensor there is no edge drive yet.
I could do the drivers, but I don’t have those devices to do the tests.

I told to @nayelyz that she will transfer to smartthings the possibility of implementing the configuration of report settings in these devices in his edge drivers sock.

Everyone can choose which settings they need and save batteries. It is not a question of whether I can spend money for 6 batteries every 5 months, it is a question that there are hundreds of thousands of these sensors around the world and it is a waste that manufacturers should avoid.

For example I have a multipurpose sensor in a garage door, which on sunny days can have a dialy thermal amplitude of 15º and in summer much more.
What is the point of having a precision of 0.1º in this sensor? I have a configuration of 60 minutes maximum and 3º of temperature change and it sends between 20 and 30 daily events. With the default configuration it would send more than 150 temperature events.

Here I have some examples of 3 sensors with different battery models and their discharge curve with default and custom settings with the total number of events sent to hub.


Wow!! What a response, so thorough. Much appreciated. :pray:

But I agree with you completely. Users should have the last say when it comes to different variabilities. Everyone has their own and different need for their sensors.

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With DTH you have to follow the steps in the above post and publish a DTH for yourself in IDE. then follow the instructions to change the settings.

With edge driver, the driver would have to be done, but I don’t have an ST button at home to do the tests.

Do you want to try it?

If you some day want to make driver for Ikea buttons I’d be more than happy to try them.

Is it a single or multi-button ikea button?

Multi-component devices are still a bit raw.

But we can try, if you send me the model, manufacturer and number of buttons.

There have been a ton of complaints of the Ikea devices eating batteries. I don’t have any, but from my reading, it seems the issue goes far beyond simply modifying reporting times to extend battery life.

@Mariano_Colmenarejo Ikea has couple different remotes:

1 button - TRADFRI Shortcut button

Single press. Activates the scene you link to this button through the IKEA Home smart app.

2 button - TRADFRI Wireless dimmer

ON - Dim UP
Press to turn your IKEA Home smart product on.
Press and hold to dim up.
Press to turn your IKEA Home smart product off.
Press and hold to dim down.

4 button - STYRBAR Remote Control

Short press to turn on.
To dim up, press and hold the button.
Short press to turn off.
To dim down, press and hold the button.
Change white spectrum or colours

5 button - TRADFRI Remote control

ON/OFF: Press to turn your light source on and off. Press and hold for at least 3 seconds to synchronize your lights.
Dim up/down: Short presses will dim up/down in steps.
To dim up/down seamlessly, press and hold the button.
Change white spectrum, colours or scenes.


SYMFONISK Sound Remote

Press once to start or stop the music
Press twice to skip to the next track
Press three times to jump back one song.
Volume up
Rotating the top right (clockwise) will increase volume up to max.
Volume down
Rotating the top left (counter-clockwise) will decrease volume to the lowest level, but NOT turn the music off.

They all have one thing in common, Battery drain

I’ll try to list all stock functions for each device

@Mariano_Colmenarejo currently i have only Dimmers in possession, but due battery drain issue they are all seating in a drawer, as usually battery drain within 24 hours.
Here is IDE device

Raw Description 01 0104 0820 01 07 0000 0001 0003 0009 0020 1000 FC7C 07 0003 0004 0006 0008 0019 0102 1000

Maybe others can add additional devices info
@Bry @Sakari