Smartthings Multipurpose Sensors eating batteries

I don’t know why, but it seems like my Smartthings MP Sensors are eating batteries over the last few months. I would sometimes attribute that to cold weather for the garage sensors, but it happens inside the house too.
Does anyone else have this problem? Any recommendations for reasonably priced replacements? I have one of the MP sensors as a tilt sensor for the garage which will need to be replaced as well.

I used this solution to reduce the frequency of sending temperature reports, which greatly reduces battery consumption. I use temperature events for information only, I don’t control anything with them.
I have put temperature reports every 60 minutes and in 6 months they have consumed, on average, 10% of the battery.
If you are only thinking of replacing them, I would recommend looking for sensors in your region with 2 x AAA or 2 x AA or 1x CR123A batteries.

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I have a few of the older more square type, and those seem fine. The only new one I have seems to be eating through batteries way too quickly and it started with 1 or 2 hub firmware updates ago.

The iPhone app only has the temperature offset settings, not the interval or trigger settings. I tried the IDE and there doesn’t seem to be a setting to adjust there either.

The original Smartsense multi sensor DTH does not have those settings.
Did you install in IDE the DTH “SmartSense Multi Sensor + TimeRep + TempChangeRep” from the link?

Thanks, I missed that part. I installed it on all of my ST MP sensors. I hope that reduces battery usage. I started buying the quality batteries hopping that would work. Perhaps this will.


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Did you follow the steps of changing the DTH version in IDE from “published” to “draft” and then back again, after change the temperature report in app settings on each device?

If you only changed the settings on the devices from the app, the settings are not saved on the devices and it will continue to send reports every 5 minutes

This is necessary in the new smartthings app, for zigbee devices to change their installation configuration.

Yep, I got all of that. I’m monitoring to make sure it all took. I have it at it’s least atgressive for now of 240 and 300.

Thanks for all of your help.

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I’m glad it works for you.

With these settings you will have temperature reports every 4 hours if the temperature changes between 0.1° and less than 3°.
It will also send any temperature change >= 3°
