SmartRules 2.0

Sorry, to clarify, if v1 was purchased, then v2 installed, and v2 properly shows up as purchased, then the phone fully reset and apps reinstalled, it will show up as not purchased?

The fix was rolled out to everyone automatically by SmartThings. You donā€™t need to do anything to use the latest version.

Yes, that is correct. The purchase can only be restored if you have made the in-app purchase in v2.

Thanks @obycode !

Send my thanks to the whole team who was working on the fix.


Wowā€¦ thatā€™s really quite a harsh judgement for spending under $10 ā€“ and I presume you even had a few months of use of V1?

What about SmartThings that charged $99 and fails on a regular basis? Is it different just because it is hardware? Or when was the last time that you paid $10, $40, $100 on a restaurant meal that was far from perfectā€¦ Did they ā€œscrew you overā€ too?

How many Customers do you think @obycode has? How many hours of development and support time do you think he spends on SmartRules? Do the math ā€“ would you be as generous?

If this were me that you were accusing of ā€œscrewing everyone overā€; wellā€¦ Iā€™d say Iā€™m not getting paid enough to hear that and Iā€™d have a strong retort or just ignore you. Get some perspective, bud!

Iā€™m only asking for access to the softwware i BOUGHT. I do not think that is too much to ask. Iā€™m not asking for a free upgrade to 2.0. I just want to use the software he sold me.

Software in iTunes is licensed not SOLD. That is an important distinction. The license has a lot of explicit limitations. Yesā€¦ it is understandable to want to continue to use a license you paid for, but the terms of the license may permit expiration. Read it? If you canā€™t find a limitation, perhaps you have recourse. But a reaction like yours is why I will never ā€œsellā€ a software license and only offer subscriptions.

Regardless, I think it is a bit much to imply anyone is intentionally ā€œbeing screwedā€.

Hereā€™s the difference. When Smart Rules 2.0 was released, the stated intention was that if you had bought 1.0, you would get 2.0 for free. That was not my decision, that was Obeycodeā€™s.

When I pointed out that I had to wipe my phone and couldnā€™t even use the version I used to have, he acted like he was looking into it. Then, despite me asking a couple of times for an update, there was no further discussion until today when he said, yeah, if you wipe your phone, you gotta buy it again.

Iā€™m still using omni focus 2. The legacy support version even on my wiped phone because when they released an upgrade for a paid app, they released it as a new app and leave the old one there. I donā€™t use the app enough to justify buying it again for the new features, so I didnā€™t buy it.

There are a lot of apps that work that way.

He apparently was willing to allow some people to have a free upgrade but not others.

I do support developers. I donated $50 to Alex in the early days of Smart Tiles (nĆ©e Action Dashboard). Iā€™m not using it anymore, but if I was and you guys wanted to release a new version and were charging everyone for it, I wouldnā€™t be saying, but I already gave you $50. If I thought it was worth it, Iā€™d buy it.

Iā€™m just asking for the same consideration from the developer he promised everyone else.


Todd, Iā€™m really not trying to screw anyone here. The switch to in-app purchases was an attempt to make it easier for new users to try it out, then purchase if they liked it, not to make it more difficult for existing users. When we did make the switch, we made the effort to allow existing users to get the new update for free, but we have to work with the tools that Apple provides and that limits what we can do. That means that there is no such thing as paid upgrades, no ability to give coupon codes for in-app purchases, no restoring purchases for old versions.

As I said above, we are trying to figure out a good way to save the purchase information in the SmartApp, which would allow another method of restoring, but then that is still vulnerable to being deleted and unrecoverable.


I have learned a lot in the last 12 hours. I can say that I regret the last sentence of my original statement. Iā€™m going to withdraw it, but itā€™s been quoted so many times, I donā€™t think it will matter.

I donā€™t see a better solution either. A friend suggested I might be able to restore version 1 from a Time Machine backup of my iTunes library from when I backed up my phone before I wiped it, so Iā€™m going to see if I can do that.

Thank you.

[Edit: It just occurred to me that if I could do that, I should then be able to load version 2 and it would work. Perhaps that is a workaround that others could look into?]


There is always the option to buy it again through the app store and get a refund directly.

Apple keeps 30% of that transaction, so that means the developer loses money. Thatā€™s not fair either.

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Trueā€¦ but how about accepting a 70% refund from the developer? (Not that Iā€™m offering for Brice, just saying that thereā€™s always room for compromise on the road to customer satisfaction).

I purchased the full version and i dont know if i have the full features inthe new version.
Whn i press on the basic button it asks me to buy it again. It only shows a checkmark on it.

My phone died and I lost V1, I had no backupā€¦ I was happy to pay another $10 for V2, I realize itā€™s not the developers fault and itā€™s well worth the total $20 Iā€™ve invested in it so far!

In my honest opinion the app is well worth what I have paid for it. Besides, itā€™s just $10, if $10 is too much for someone then home automation should not be a hobby of yours!!


If it has the checkmark, then that means you have the upgrade. The paid upgrade just enables unlimited rules, there are no other features unlocked.

Itā€™s not fair that Apple provides a massive online platform marketplace for developers to easily distribute their products? If the average user had to download source code or go to a different website to get each app, developers would see their revenue go way down. Necessary evils in this world.

What a clueless response.

Understand the thread before you comment on one statement. Obeycode giving people $10 so they can buy the in app purchase ends up COSTING Obeycode $3.

My comment had nothing to do with Appleā€™s App store policy.

I think someone needs to go to their ā€œsafe placeā€.


How is everyone handling notifications? Is there anyway certain users get different notifications then other user ?