Smartapps dissapeared - Access Denied?

Routines and Smartapps are both showing up BLANK in the app all of a sudden. Dashboard view in the app says there was an error and to check my internet connection and Graph.API.Smartthings is telling me ACCESS DENIED when clicking on “my smartapps” . What is going on?

Try closing and reloading your app. If that doesn’t work, shut down the app manually and reload. If that doesn’t work try to do a phone reset and reload the app. And… If that doesn’t work, contact support@smarthings,com

They are doing database maintenance which is affecting some users. Definitely report it to support but you’re not alone in this.

Thanks @theedpope - Tried all of those things. Didn’t work

@JDRoberts Thank you, sent support a note but got a note back saying how busy they were and there may be a long wait. I will keep my ears and eyes open on the forum here for any updates to DB upgrades.