Automatic routines and smartapps don't show up on the app

It’s just me or does anyone else’s having issues after the latest app update?

My issue at first was that I couldn’t create any Categories that included automatic routines, I could only use scenes, I contacted support on Nov 1st and after various back and forth, and the usual troubleshooting (clearing cache, clearing data, etc) they told me that was a server side thing and the issue was resolved, but it wasn’t. Then I gave them access to my ST account but haven’t heard anything back.

But that’s not a big deal, the real issue is that after reporting the problem my automatic routines disappeared from the app, it’s been two weeks without me been able to troubleshoot many of my routines because I reset a sensor and now the routines involving that sensor don’t work.

Maybe it will be a good idea to at least have the option to run routines even when one of the involved sensor is eliminated.

Any recommendations?

Login here and check if the routines are there:

(Hamburger menu on the top left side)

You tried turning off Categories? :grin:

Yes, it tries to load them and then give this error

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Heheh, nop but tried now. No luck.

Im having the same problem. For one of my location, rules disapiared since 2 weeks ago.

Ok, at least I’m not alone. Hope the ST team can find the solution soon.

Any help on this issue? :pray: @itati @nayelyz

Hi, @EB_1
So, these automations weren’t part of a category, right?
I see you have several automations, do you know how many they are?
Please share the following information:

  1. Are you using Android or iOS? some instructions change based on that
  2. We need your help to replicate the issue of you not being able to see your routines in the app:
  1. If you’re on Android, close the app first.
  2. Start recording your screen to show how you open the app > go to Routines and it’s empty
  3. Stop recording and then follow these steps to get the app logs:
    1. Go to Menu > Gear Icon > About SmartThings
    2. Tap the SmartThings logo 10 times.
    3. This will open the developer’s space > tap ‘report a problem’
    4. This will send you to the report page. Select a frequency and write a short description of the issue.
    5. Click on “Report” and a log file will be generated for you to send over email, please do this to

No, none of my automations were part of a category.

I don’t know the exact number but certainly are 300+, maybe 400+

Android. BTW I tried to look for the automation in my wife phone (also android), she’s a member in our location, and her app didn’t show the routines either.

I sent the screen record in the email too.

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Hi, @flsoto

Do you still have the issue? If so, can you also provide access to your account, please?

  1. Confirm the email account registered in the forum is the same one you use for SmartThings. If not, please share it with me over DM.
  2. Enable support access to your account:
  1. Go to the SmartThings Web (
  2. Log in to your Samsung Account
  3. Select Menu (⋮) and choose Settings
  4. Toggle on Account Data Access
  5. Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again.

Thanks nayelyz. My account has the same email. I will allow support access to my account now

Hi, @flsoto. I see you have less than 100 routines. Also, did the routines disappear from both of your locations or only in one?

To add your case to the opened report we also need your help collecting this information, please:

Dear Nayelyz,

I have been doing some tests. The problem only occurs in the web browser (Samsung account) and when I had some devices hidden in the mobile app (iPhone). When showing all the devices, the routines reappear. The issue is that, for some reason unknown to me, when I have all the devices displayed, the mobile app becomes very slow and gets stuck when trying to scroll through the different rooms, which is why I have to hide devices. If you could help me with this issue of the sluggish app, that would be great. I have already contacted support a couple of times through the app itself, but they haven’t provided any solution.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hi @nayelyz I hope you’re doing well, thanks for all your help; unfortunately I’m having the same issue again (automatic routines disappeared), this time was immediately after deleting a device. What’s the source of the issue? So I try to prevent it. I’m always tinkering with my smart home, so I may be doing something that cause this issue because it seems not to be wide spread.

Thanks for your help.

Another week without been able to access my routines and one quarter of my automations not working :tired_face: I can’t belive how dependent of samsung servers our smart homes really are. Maybe it’s time to seriously start looking for alternatives or back up systems :frowning:

Hi, @EB_1, @flsoto
The engineering team mentioned there was a release to fix this issue, could you help us verify you can now see your routines in the app, please?

Since last update my Hue lights, connected by Matter dont respond like they used to. They wont respond to colour change or brightness and new Hue lights added wont migrate over to ST over Matter. Had to unlink and relink Hue to get new lights in.
Anyone else?

Hi Nayelyz, yes, this particular issue was solved, other thing broke at the same time this was solved that was the ability to see the routines that one device is in, from the device’s page, but picking and leaving working features I much prefer my current situation.