In the SmartThings app (Android, Samsung Smartphone), my automations are missing. The screen just shows the introductory image, as if there are no automations defined.
However, I do have automations defined, and those that are scheduled are still running according to the defined times! Now that I can’t ‘get at them’ in the app however, it means I can’t make changes!
Anyone got any ideas? (I’ve already tried rebooting the hub, including pulling the batteries, and I’ve tried rebooting my phone).
They broke automation and scene display in the latest version of the app, fortunately that means they’re not GONE, you just may not be able to see them. Same with some scenes. Try fully logging out of the app and logging back on. If they don’t come back - open a ticket with support.
I don’t seem to have much of an option to signout of the app - it’s tied to me being ‘logged in to Samsung’ on my phone. I tried force-killing the app, clearing all it’s data to reset it to default, then re-launched it. Still no automations listed.s