Q800c soundbar no longer connecting to cloud

After months of flawless connectivity, I can no longer control my soundbar from Smartthings. I’ve done everything asked for in Offline Diagnostics, and the app just says try again later. It is later, and I am extremely disappointed in Samsung. It was working well since the recent update. Now I have to used the clunky remote control interface, mostly to turn on and off the voice clarity function for certain programs. It can’t connect to your cloud. Please advise.

can you clarify these?

  • does it show Offline in the app or do you get some type of error message when attempting to use?
  • which update are you referring - app or firmware? i assume app by default
  • what did Offline Diagnostics ask you to do? that way, you will not get duplicate recommendations from community members

besides Offline Diagnostics - have you reached out to ST support to report the issue?

iOS or Android? If you have both, have you tried it on both?

Hi, it says Offline in the app (but it’s working fine, just no control from phone.

Using the Smartthings app.

Offline Diagnostics says restart device. I unplugged for a minute, too. Then, bring phone close. Done.

Phone connected to the same wifi? Yes.

Then it checks the device, then the wifi. The dreaded Cloud is next, where after a bit it says there’s a problem, try again later.

I haven’t reached out beyond this forum.

Finally, Android only (Samsung s23+).

Thanks for any help.

I have the 990C soundbar and had this happen a few times in the past. Most of the time it will never reconnect, it kind of corrupts the connection. Each time this has happened thought I was able to get it working again by factory resetting the soundbar; which probably is more of a hassle for me as my soundbar has a built in IOT Hub (I don’t think the 800C has this Hub) and had things connected in the past to this hub that had to be setup again after doing the factory reset as well as just setting up the soundbar (I now have the hub setup as a secondary hub and don’t have this issue anymore).

So, if you are willing you could try a factory reset and then setup the soundbar again within the SmartThings App. You probably won’t lose many settings like I said if there is no hub and usually only takes 5-10 minutes to setup again.

If you choose this route, first remove the soundbar from SmartThings App. Then turn on the soundbar, once on press and hold both the minus and plus buttons on the top of the soundbar until it displays INT. Wait about a minute and it should reboot and then you should be able to start the setup process again as if the unit was new. This should allow you to reconnect it to SmartThings App and your account. Follow the installation prompts within SmartThings and you should be back up and running. After that it’s just a matter of moving it to the right room within SmartThings, changing the sound settings back to your preferences, and/or connecting external wireless devices (bluetooth phone, sound over wifi, etc.).

Hope this helps.

Will do. But can you tell me how to remove the soundbar from Smartthings? I didn’t find that option in the app.

No problem, first open SmartThings App, next go to the “Devices” tab at the bottom. Next you have two ways to remove devices aka your soundbar. First way is to go to either “All Devices” and scroll for the room the device is in or just pick the room the device is in to begin with. Once there just press and hold on the specific device (soundbar) a popup menu will appear with 4 options; Add to favorites, Add to Home screen, Edit, & Remove. Click remove then a confirmation popup will showup asking for you to either cancel or remove the device. Click remove and your good to go add your device back into SmartThings. The second way is once you get to the the “Device” tab, there is a hamburger menu/three dots in the upper right corner of the page, click this and a menu will popup with 4 more options; Manage rooms, Remove devices, Move devices, & Select devices to use. Choose Remove devices and a menu of devices with a list of the rooms they are are in will popup. Just find the room/device you want to remove then click the red minus button, again a confirmation popup will showup asking for you to either cancel or remove the device. Next just hit done at the bottom of the remove devices page or you can press the back/return button on your phone/tablet to go back to the devices page after this your good to go add your device back into SmartThings.