Problems Setting Autolock with Z-Wave Lock PH Edge Driver

Out of frustration (or hope) I excluded and reincluded my Schlage BE469ZP lock. It was successfully included using the S2 security and PROVISIONED according to the ST API Browser+

Initially many of the parameters were blank and refreshing did nothing. I went into the AWA and sent the appropriate settings back to the lock and most of them resulted in a configuration report and getting updated in the AWA (and the ST app).

Guess which one still refuses to update? The symptoms are exactly the same.

Apparently I’m just reporting another instance of the autoLock setting not refreshing correctly. I think the first post was back in Sep 2023.

Can anyone post an example of correctly toggling the Auto lock value showing the app updating as well? If so, what is different about your set-up?

I’m not finding anything related to Security Levels in the Device Profile at SmartThings Advanced.
I did find in the API+ Browser :

  • 1 of 8 Odd Lock: NW Security Level ZWAVE_S2_ACCESS_CONTROL
  • vs
  • 8 other Locks: NW Security Level ZWAVE_S2_ACCESS_CONTROL

Please let me know if you want me to look somewhere else :slight_smile:


To be clear, based upon my most recent test yesterday, and again this morning given some of the questions/observations posted following it…

The Auto Lock Toggle within the Android App does NOT work properly across all 8 Locks. I have found that it is consistently inconsistent & intermittent. i.e. Within the Android App, I can Toggle=On or Off successfully, but then a few minutes later, Toggle=On or Off results in the Pop-up “A network or server error occurred. Try again later.” Then, in SmartThings Advanced, sending an AutoLock or Off Command updates (after refreshing the Device Card in the Android App).

I only brought the “1 out of 8” not updating it’s AutoLock Status at all (from SmartThings Advanced or Android App) as it seemed related and wanted to bring the oddity back into the fold.

@Puzzling are you seeing the “consistently inconsistent” & pop-up messages behavior that I outlined above in the Android App ?

For Reference:
I have 2 locations: One v2 Hub; One v3 Hub
Both Hubs are on 000.051.00002 (not the new Firmware in the wild)
Locks are all schlage-be469

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… folding more inline context into this thread…

@Tallblazer124 said this back on Sep 11th 2023 [ST EDGE] Z-Wave Lock PH - #260 by Tallblazer124

Here’s my original Post back in Sep 15th 2023 [ST EDGE] Z-Wave Lock PH - #261 by JohnRichard

Here are the things I had tried:

The only thing I had NOT tried yet was removing it from the network then adding it back in. So THANK YOU @Puzzling for doing that test!!!

@Tallblazer124 did you by any chance find a resolution to the AutoLock setting not refreshing ?

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Here’s what I see as the repeatable behavior:

I can set any of the parameters from the Advanced Web App. The CLI logcat of the driver shows that the lock is getting the update (and I can verify the behavior on the lock so I know the update went through). All of the updates are then followed by a configuration report that emits an update notification → except for auto lock

The result is the Auto lock field never gets refreshed to the current value in the lock. I can see this is the log, in the AWA and in the app screen for the log.

Yes, if I try to modify the setting from the app, I get it spinning for awhile and then a network or server error message.

This behavior has persisted through a re-inclusion of the lock and a factory reset (done last night, so hopefully no one else feels they have to do that to try and fix it… It doesn’t help).

I have a BE469ZP with firmware 0.11.0 and a build date of 05262021. It’s using S2 security. The hub is a v3 with 000.051.00002.

tl;dr No matter how one tries to set the Auto lock setting, while the lock gets what was sent, the corresponding state of the attribute never gets sent back.

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The standard operation to emit an event and update a capability that depends on the current state of a device, is to wait for the device respond with the command that contains the state that should be emitted.

The driver does the right thing to avoid emitting an event that it doesn’t know if the device has accepted. That’s why it waits for the confirmation response from the device before emitting the event it expects.

In this case, according to the your logs, your device does not respond with the current state of parameter 15 after the driver sends the new x value.

Yes, it answers correctly for parameter 3 and the status corresponding to the value received from the device is emitted.

Your device may be bad or have some error in the firmware and it does not report the status of that parameter 15.

It could try reading parameter 15, a few seconds after sending the new parameter value, but that must be done in the driver code.


What I will say is that prior to @philh30 changing the driver (the beta updates that added support for the BE468 and adding details on who unlocked the lock), I’m pretty sure that this field behaved as expected. I know I was able to set it on and have it reflected in the app.

So that would point to a driver issue, not some weird firmware/defective lock especially given I’m not seeing anyone reporting that this works for them now with the latest driver.

If someone can tell me how I could easily/manually rollback to the prior version of the driver I could probably prove this.

If someone else that is better versed in Lua and Edge drivers could review the code changes there might be a clue. I’ve noted what I found previously, but I’m no expert.

Thanks again for everyone’s help on this.


Actually… I was experiencing this behavior “first” on the old driver. I did try flipping over to the Beta version on 10/17/23 as a potential remedy/fix to the problem, but it didn’t resolve it:

Thanks @Mariano_Colmenarejo for your expertise in this matter!

At first blush, given that I see the problem across 8 locks, it doesn’t see like @Puzzling individual “device” would be bad. Of course, if we both have bad firmware from Schlage, I suppose that could do it. :thinking:

On the “1 out of 8” locks never refreshing the AutoLock Toggle, does the following point to anything?
In the API+ Browser, Device, Details, “1” out of the 8 has this:

While the remaining 7 have this:

@Puzzling what does your Provisioning State indicate?

@Puzzling where did you find the build date & firmware of the lock? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Remove the battery cover. Unscrew the two screws (top and middle) and it’ll be on a sticker on the back of the inside unit. It’s the same sticker that has the master code and the two factory user codes.

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I posted driver logs that show it working fine for my BE469ZP lock. It is also working fine for my BE469.

There is no way to roll back to a prior version of an Edge driver. The author would have to revert the previous code changes and publish a new version.

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Both of my working locks have a Provisioning State of Non-functional.

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I’ve now looked at your log and it seems like you have S0 security for your lock. Maybe that’s the key!?

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Oops, yeah that log was from my BE469 which doesn’t support S2. However, here is a log from my BE469ZP:

2024-03-11T15:16:30.636597572+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Received event with handler capability
2024-03-11T15:16:30.694909113+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Z-Wave command(8bdfd288) queued for radio transmission: CC:Configuration, CID:0x04
2024-03-11T15:16:30.699566155+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  <ZwaveDevice: c51f9d0f-8e2b-4966-9644-6d5f5d889eeb [71] (Front Door Lock)> received command: {"args":{},"capability":"platinummassive43262.autoLock","command":"autolock","component":"settings","positional_args":{}}
2024-03-11T15:16:30.701255051+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T15:16:30.702804072+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  <ZwaveDevice: c51f9d0f-8e2b-4966-9644-6d5f5d889eeb [71] (Front Door Lock)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={configuration_value=-1, default=false, parameter_number=15, size=1}, cmd_class="CONFIGURATION", cmd_id="SET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="\x0F\x01\xFF", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T15:16:30.705913884+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Front Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T15:16:32.037661758+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Z-Wave command(8bdfd288) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
2024-03-11T15:16:33.687771548+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T15:16:33.691012277+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  <ZwaveDevice: c51f9d0f-8e2b-4966-9644-6d5f5d889eeb [71] (Front Door Lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={configuration_value=-1, parameter_number=15, size=1}, cmd_class="CONFIGURATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x0F\x01\xFF", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T15:16:33.709847861+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T15:16:33.741373506+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  <ZwaveDevice: c51f9d0f-8e2b-4966-9644-6d5f5d889eeb [71] (Front Door Lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"autoLock","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.autoLock","component_id":"settings","state":{"value":"autolock"}}
2024-03-11T15:16:33.745534736+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Front Door Lock device thread event handled

2024-03-11T15:16:41.432595062+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Received event with handler capability
2024-03-11T15:16:41.454724187+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Z-Wave command(292b2404) queued for radio transmission: CC:Configuration, CID:0x04
2024-03-11T15:16:41.459120291+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  <ZwaveDevice: c51f9d0f-8e2b-4966-9644-6d5f5d889eeb [71] (Front Door Lock)> received command: {"args":{},"capability":"platinummassive43262.autoLock","command":"off","component":"settings","positional_args":{}}
2024-03-11T15:16:41.460725353+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T15:16:41.462915791+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  <ZwaveDevice: c51f9d0f-8e2b-4966-9644-6d5f5d889eeb [71] (Front Door Lock)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={configuration_value=0, default=false, parameter_number=15, size=1}, cmd_class="CONFIGURATION", cmd_id="SET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="\x0F\x01\x00", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T15:16:41.467372707+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Front Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T15:16:42.891493414+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Z-Wave command(292b2404) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
2024-03-11T15:16:43.050745706+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T15:16:43.053121643+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  <ZwaveDevice: c51f9d0f-8e2b-4966-9644-6d5f5d889eeb [71] (Front Door Lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={configuration_value=0, parameter_number=15, size=1}, cmd_class="CONFIGURATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x0F\x01\x00", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T15:16:43.063948227+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T15:16:43.065002477+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  <ZwaveDevice: c51f9d0f-8e2b-4966-9644-6d5f5d889eeb [71] (Front Door Lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"autoLock","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.autoLock","component_id":"settings","state":{"value":"off"}}
2024-03-11T15:16:43.072214706+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Front Door Lock device thread event handled
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The NONFUNCTIONAL state is established when you pair or make a driver change on the device and the capabilities of the assigned profile do not match the capabilities that the device should have.

To set it to PROVISIONED, the device must be configured without errors in the doConfigure lifecycle.
This is done when pairing the device with the driver.

doConfigure life cycle is not done, by default, in a driver change.

When a driver change is made, the status changes to DRIVER_SWITCHED or something similar, I don’t remember exactly.

I have seen in the driver code that when a refresh is performed, in the app or on the web, all the parameters shown in some custom capability are read, therefore the device should respond and the state of the custom capabilities should be updated


Couple of other tests to see if we can figure out what is going on:

  • Does the AutoLock state in the AWA and/or the mobile app update to the correct state when the refresh command is issued from the AWA or the CLI?

  • Does the AutoLock state in the AWA and/or the mobile app update to the correct state when the AutoLock state is manually changed on the lock itself?

Driving logging when doing these tests would be helpful as well.

Here are the steps and what I saw.

  1. I clicked refresh in the AWA. In the log I see an error string and no update to either AWA or the app.
  2. I went to the door, unlocked/locked manually, entered the master code and parameter 9 to enable auto lock. I don’t see any update to Auto lock shown in the log, nor any update to AWA or the app.
  3. I repeated the steps to this time disable auto lock. I again don’t see any evidence that Auto lock was changed in the log, AWA or the app.
  4. Finally I went to the lock and tried parameter 5 to disable the keypad beep. This shows up in the log and in the AWA and the app.

Here’s the log.

2024-03-11T16:06:23.430333747+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Z-Wave command(9189cd04) queued for radio transmission: CC:Door Lock, CID:0x02
2024-03-11T16:06:23.433109747+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received command: {"args":{},"capability":"refresh","command":"refresh","component":"main","positional_args":{}}
2024-03-11T16:06:23.451781080+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:06:23.457555080+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_GET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:06:23.467297747+00:00 ERROR Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock thread encountered error: [string "st/dispatcher.lua"]:235: Error encountered while processing event for <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)>:
    arg1: table: 0x26cb900
2024-03-11T16:06:26.491526748+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Z-Wave command(9189cd04) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL
2024-03-11T16:06:31.628715751+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:06:31.697254084+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={door_condition=0, door_lock_mode="DOOR_SECURED", inside_door_handles_mode=0, lock_timeout_minutes=254, lock_timeout_seconds=254, outside_door_handles_mode=0}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\xFF\x00\x00\xFE\xFE", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:06:31.728107084+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock
2024-03-11T16:06:31.776337751+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:06:31.785010084+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:09:36.057307870+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:09:36.082718870+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=1, alarm_type=22, event="MANUAL_UNLOCK_OPERATION", event_parameter="", notification_status="ON", notification_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", v1_alarm_level=1, v1_alarm_type=22, z_wave_alarm_event="MANUAL_UNLOCK_OPERATION", z_wave_alarm_status="ON", z_wave_alarm_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class="NOTIFICATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x16\x01\x00\xFF\x06\x02\x00", src_channel=0, version=3}
2024-03-11T16:09:36.097245870+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:09:36.113038203+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"data":{"method":"manual"},"value":"unlocked"}}
2024-03-11T16:09:36.132251870+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"unlockCodeName","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.unlockCodeName","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"manual"}}
2024-03-11T16:09:36.137218870+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:09:37.740573537+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:09:37.752122870+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={door_condition=2, door_lock_mode="DOOR_UNSECURED", inside_door_handles_mode=0, lock_timeout_minutes=254, lock_timeout_seconds=254, outside_door_handles_mode=0}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x00\x00\x02\xFE\xFE", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:09:37.765300203+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock
2024-03-11T16:09:37.776332870+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"unlocked"}}
2024-03-11T16:09:37.785021203+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:09:37.980637537+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:09:38.000086870+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=1, alarm_type=21, event="MANUAL_LOCK_OPERATION", event_parameter="", notification_status="ON", notification_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", v1_alarm_level=1, v1_alarm_type=21, z_wave_alarm_event="MANUAL_LOCK_OPERATION", z_wave_alarm_status="ON", z_wave_alarm_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class="NOTIFICATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x15\x01\x00\xFF\x06\x01\x00", src_channel=0, version=3}
2024-03-11T16:09:38.025595537+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:09:38.042743870+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"data":{"method":"manual"},"value":"locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:09:38.047841537+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"unlockCodeName","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.unlockCodeName","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"Locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:09:38.052840870+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:09:42.693754204+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:09:42.713706537+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={door_condition=0, door_lock_mode="DOOR_SECURED", inside_door_handles_mode=0, lock_timeout_minutes=254, lock_timeout_seconds=254, outside_door_handles_mode=0}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\xFF\x00\x00\xFE\xFE", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:09:42.718609537+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock
2024-03-11T16:09:42.722879537+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:09:42.727941871+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:10:36.026142544+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:10:36.051627210+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=1, alarm_type=22, event="MANUAL_UNLOCK_OPERATION", event_parameter="", notification_status="ON", notification_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", v1_alarm_level=1, v1_alarm_type=22, z_wave_alarm_event="MANUAL_UNLOCK_OPERATION", z_wave_alarm_status="ON", z_wave_alarm_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class="NOTIFICATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x16\x01\x00\xFF\x06\x02\x00", src_channel=0, version=3}
2024-03-11T16:10:36.069770544+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:10:36.075451544+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"data":{"method":"manual"},"value":"unlocked"}}
2024-03-11T16:10:36.081060544+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"unlockCodeName","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.unlockCodeName","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"manual"}}
2024-03-11T16:10:36.086188210+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:10:40.673870878+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:10:40.697597544+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={door_condition=2, door_lock_mode="DOOR_UNSECURED", inside_door_handles_mode=0, lock_timeout_minutes=254, lock_timeout_seconds=254, outside_door_handles_mode=0}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x00\x00\x02\xFE\xFE", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:10:40.733342544+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock
2024-03-11T16:10:40.749519878+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"unlocked"}}
2024-03-11T16:10:40.770851544+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:15:43.361683847+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:15:43.385433514+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=1, alarm_type=21, event="MANUAL_LOCK_OPERATION", event_parameter="", notification_status="ON", notification_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", v1_alarm_level=1, v1_alarm_type=21, z_wave_alarm_event="MANUAL_LOCK_OPERATION", z_wave_alarm_status="ON", z_wave_alarm_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class="NOTIFICATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x15\x01\x00\xFF\x06\x01\x00", src_channel=0, version=3}
2024-03-11T16:15:43.403970514+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:15:43.414987181+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"data":{"method":"manual"},"value":"locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:15:43.422364514+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"unlockCodeName","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.unlockCodeName","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"Locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:15:43.429945847+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:15:48.133594183+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:15:48.165176516+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={door_condition=0, door_lock_mode="DOOR_SECURED", inside_door_handles_mode=0, lock_timeout_minutes=254, lock_timeout_seconds=254, outside_door_handles_mode=0}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\xFF\x00\x00\xFE\xFE", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:15:48.184147850+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock
2024-03-11T16:15:48.197041183+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:15:48.203268850+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:15:55.494314853+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:15:55.515263853+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={configuration_value=0, parameter_number=3, size=1}, cmd_class="CONFIGURATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x03\x01\x00", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:15:55.523692520+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:15:55.532818853+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"keypadBeep","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.keypadBeep","component_id":"settings","state":{"value":"off"}}
2024-03-11T16:15:55.542013520+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:16:03.154895523+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:16:03.183677523+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=1, alarm_type=22, event="MANUAL_UNLOCK_OPERATION", event_parameter="", notification_status="ON", notification_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", v1_alarm_level=1, v1_alarm_type=22, z_wave_alarm_event="MANUAL_UNLOCK_OPERATION", z_wave_alarm_status="ON", z_wave_alarm_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class="NOTIFICATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x16\x01\x00\xFF\x06\x02\x00", src_channel=0, version=3}
2024-03-11T16:16:03.241269857+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:16:03.246367523+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"data":{"method":"manual"},"value":"unlocked"}}
2024-03-11T16:16:03.305914190+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"unlockCodeName","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.unlockCodeName","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"manual"}}
2024-03-11T16:16:03.355011857+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:16:07.558563525+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:16:07.624562525+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={door_condition=2, door_lock_mode="DOOR_UNSECURED", inside_door_handles_mode=0, lock_timeout_minutes=254, lock_timeout_seconds=254, outside_door_handles_mode=0}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x00\x00\x02\xFE\xFE", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:16:07.697768192+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock
2024-03-11T16:16:07.732655859+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"unlocked"}}
2024-03-11T16:16:07.784654526+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:16:13.983048195+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:16:14.019298529+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=1, alarm_type=21, event="MANUAL_LOCK_OPERATION", event_parameter="", notification_status="ON", notification_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", v1_alarm_level=1, v1_alarm_type=21, z_wave_alarm_event="MANUAL_LOCK_OPERATION", z_wave_alarm_status="ON", z_wave_alarm_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class="NOTIFICATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x15\x01\x00\xFF\x06\x01\x00", src_channel=0, version=3}
2024-03-11T16:16:14.054552195+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:16:14.059873529+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"data":{"method":"manual"},"value":"locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:16:14.064963529+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"unlockCodeName","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.unlockCodeName","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"Locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:16:14.069858529+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:16:15.282872196+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:16:15.299808862+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={door_condition=0, door_lock_mode="DOOR_SECURED", inside_door_handles_mode=0, lock_timeout_minutes=254, lock_timeout_seconds=254, outside_door_handles_mode=0}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\xFF\x00\x00\xFE\xFE", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:16:15.309541196+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock
2024-03-11T16:16:15.314954862+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:16:15.319734196+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:16:15.509119196+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:16:15.534200529+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=1, alarm_type=22, event="MANUAL_UNLOCK_OPERATION", event_parameter="", notification_status="ON", notification_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", v1_alarm_level=1, v1_alarm_type=22, z_wave_alarm_event="MANUAL_UNLOCK_OPERATION", z_wave_alarm_status="ON", z_wave_alarm_type="ACCESS_CONTROL", zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class="NOTIFICATION", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x16\x01\x00\xFF\x06\x02\x00", src_channel=0, version=3}
2024-03-11T16:16:15.561853529+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:16:15.569472529+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"data":{"method":"manual"},"value":"unlocked"}}
2024-03-11T16:16:15.605462196+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"unlockCodeName","capability_id":"platinummassive43262.unlockCodeName","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"manual"}}
2024-03-11T16:16:15.615023196+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:16:20.244996531+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:16:20.255791532+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={door_condition=2, door_lock_mode="DOOR_UNSECURED", inside_door_handles_mode=0, lock_timeout_minutes=254, lock_timeout_seconds=254, outside_door_handles_mode=0}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\x00\x00\x02\xFE\xFE", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:16:20.326029865+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock
2024-03-11T16:16:20.330799532+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"unlocked"}}
2024-03-11T16:16:20.345032865+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Schlage BE469ZP Door Lock device thread event handled

And here’s what it looks like in AWA:

There was a Z-Wave transmit failure so the lock never received the command. That’s troubling. Can you try the settings.refresh as well as the main.refresh?

So, either the lock is not transmitting the configuration report when the AutoLock setting is changed or it’s not reaching your hub. This seems to suggest either an issue with the lock or a problem with your Z-Wave mesh.

Again, seems to suggest that there is some issue with the lock when the AutoLock setting is changed.

As a point of reference, my 469ZP is on FW 10.8 01/07/2019 and my 469 is FW MAIN_8.0 02/27/2018.

I seem to get an error for both types of refresh.

? Select a driver. 15
connecting... connected
2024-03-11T16:46:12.295930973+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler capability
2024-03-11T16:46:12.321716973+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Z-Wave command(3e23871a) queued for radio transmission: CC:Door Lock, CID:0x02
2024-03-11T16:46:12.324487306+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received command: {"args":{},"capability":"refresh","command":"refresh","component":"main","positional_args":{}}
2024-03-11T16:46:12.343178639+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:46:12.355087639+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_GET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:46:12.367031306+00:00 ERROR Z-Wave Lock PH  Front door lock thread encountered error: [string "st/dispatcher.lua"]:235: Error encountered while processing event for <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)>:
    arg1: table: 0x2881de0
2024-03-11T16:46:15.173116973+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Z-Wave command(3e23871a) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL
2024-03-11T16:46:18.220905640+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler capability
2024-03-11T16:46:18.261778640+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Z-Wave command(8b50f607) queued for radio transmission: CC:Door Lock, CID:0x02
2024-03-11T16:46:18.264592973+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received command: {"args":{},"capability":"refresh","command":"refresh","component":"settings","positional_args":{}}
2024-03-11T16:46:18.316438973+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_lock -> Schlage Lock -> Schlage BE469
2024-03-11T16:46:18.333316640+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_GET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:46:18.351984640+00:00 ERROR Z-Wave Lock PH  Front door lock thread encountered error: [string "st/dispatcher.lua"]:235: Error encountered while processing event for <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)>:
    arg1: table: 0x291b998
2024-03-11T16:46:19.889752640+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Z-Wave command(8b50f607) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
2024-03-11T16:46:20.290301974+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Received event with handler unnamed
2024-03-11T16:46:20.309471974+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> received Z-Wave command: {args={door_condition=0, door_lock_mode="DOOR_SECURED", inside_door_handles_mode=0, lock_timeout_minutes=254, lock_timeout_seconds=254, outside_door_handles_mode=0}, cmd_class="DOOR_LOCK", cmd_id="OPERATION_REPORT", dst_channels={}, encap="S2_ACCESS_CONTROL", payload="\xFF\x00\x00\xFE\xFE", src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-03-11T16:46:20.314409307+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_lock
2024-03-11T16:46:20.318719974+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Lock PH  <ZwaveDevice: de44069a-c231-4cc9-b410-c942844fd837 [6E] (Front door lock)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lock","capability_id":"lock","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"locked"}}
2024-03-11T16:46:20.323729640+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH  Front door lock device thread event handled

As for a mesh issue, wouldn’t that be across the board and not just for a single command? It seems unlikely that it works for all other commands, not just for updating auto Lock.

Firmware 10.8 vs 11.0 is the first difference I’ve noted.

Yes, I would expect it to affect other commands as well, but it’s clear your hub isn’t transmitting the refresh command successfully.

I have the Wi-Fi Hub (Plume) hub running FW 47.12 which may be another difference from what you have. I see some transmit failures when I do refresh for my 469ZP (which I think is a result of slow encryption for the several Z-Wave commands attempting to be sent all at once), but they are followed up by a successful transmit. I don’t see the error in the st/dispatcher.lua that you are seeing. Of course, there are likely differences in the Lua libraries between your hub and mine even though we’re both using the same driver.

2024-03-11T16:54:08.788050235+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Front Door Lock device thread event handled
2024-03-11T16:54:11.592600316+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Z-Wave command(61d6c7b1) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL
2024-03-11T16:54:11.991346107+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Lock PH BETA  Z-Wave command(938c2b09) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK

That seems to make sense (i.e. either that device is getting all or none of the commands).

Although I will share we had a Mesh Issue that would not resolve itself. Rebuilding the Z-Wave Network did not resolve it as well as the other typical steps. Then killing the power to the entire house solved it instantly… well… I suppose it solved it when I actually turned the power back on :wink:

Here’s the link to my step-by-step