Post Requests for LAN/WIFI Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

Just wondering if anyone is looking into Ratgdo support? With this huge issue with chamberlin, and the blocking of cloud access, i was hoping to see if someone out there would create a driver for ratgdo.
Does anyone know if this can one day be supported?

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Most people control it with MQTT, and there are already MQTT/smartthings integrations, so that would work. But smartthings doesnā€™t have a native integration with MQTT, so you have to set up an additional server device to act as the broker.

Integration Solutions using MQTT

If you use the ESP home version, it would need a unique edge driver, and I havenā€™t heard of anyone working on one yet. :thinking:

Just purchased a Tapo P110 as well, and saddened by the fact that I canā€™t use power usage in automation. Have tried all the edge drivers for the Kasa equivalents, but had no success with them either.

It would be indeed nice to have Lutron edge drivers to have Lutron run local.

one year passed, since your comment, I would of expected more traction tbh!


So i see home assistant has govee support with their local api.
Any heroes here in the samsung community?


Is it possible to Get GivTCP working in SmartThings for monitoring Giv Energy Solar Production? It works on HA but sadly I find HA complicated and frustrating!
Id love to get the metering and power flow charts in SmartThings so its all in one dashboard.

I was told it may be possible with MQTT i know that may be another thread though and have no clue how or where to start


3 posts were split to a new topic: Solax API integration?

Another vote for govee!


Does anyone know if there r any edge drivers for the ecovacs n8+ or tcl tvs?

Is there a new driver daikin ductless wifi adapter?

Any one find driver to add shelly gen3 locally to SmartThings hub? I installed Taustin driver Shelly gen2/3 v1.6 and he mentioned that it works with gen3 but practically I have two devices shelly 1pm mini gen3 and I tried many times adding them to smarthings with no success, for Gen2 it works very well and I added all gen2 devices locally. any idea ? Thanks. @TAustin

Iā€™m curious if a driver could be made for the new Reolink Home Hub. Itā€™s a local storage solution for Reolink cameras. It can be integrated into Home Assistant (what canā€™t really) so I thought there might be a chance for ST support. It would be nice to use camera event triggers for automations. Thanks. Reolink Home Hub Series - All-in-One Management With Encrypted Local Storage | Reolink Official\t\t

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Iā€™m new to ST and try to move from all my random smart products that are working with the Tuya App to ST. Is this the place to ask if there is an edge driver for the MOES dimmer plug (eu version)? Itā€™s this one

Itā€˜s just working with Tuya at the moment and the Tuya integration to ST is messed up as I had to learn. When I reset the plug and try to add it to ST, it just does not get recognized. Or is there a way to add a generic Wifi device to ST and then to configure it to talk to my dimmer? I appreciate any help

(After hours of searching I found now a semi-good way to add the Alexa method, but this way it nearly not possible to use it as a dimmer. I would love to integrate it as a real dimmer)

Thereā€™s no Way to add a ā€œgenericā€œ Wi-Fi device to SmartThings because different Wi-Fi devices use very different messaging formats. Thatā€™s actually one of the big motivations for the development of the new matter standard, to provide a common message format for Wi-Fi devices from many different vendors. But that only applies to Wi-Fi devices which are individually certified for matter, and that particular plug is not.

Sometimes thereā€™s another option, see the community FAQ:

FAQ: WIFI Devices in ST? How can I integrate a WiFi or Bluetooth device that isnā€™t listed in the SmartThings app?

However, as you indicated, those options generally work for simple/off switches and plugs, but not for dimmers.

For dimmers, typically your only option is to create multiple scenes, like one for 25% brightness, one for 50% brightness, etc., and then activate the scenes through one of the existing integration options.

But since this is the edge driver request thread, at the present time, I am not aware of any edge drivers that work with Tuya made Wi-Fi devices, unfortunately. :cold_sweat:

For any further questions, please start a new thread on your specific device and maybe somebody will have a solution, but to be honest, I doubt it.

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As JD said there is no way to directly add Tuya WiFi devices to SmartThings. You can use the official SmartLife integration but many things donā€™t work with it. There is a work around that gets you a 1 way integration.

Using this method you can get dimming by creating tap-to-run automations in SmartLife for say off, on, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Then create a virtual dimmer in SmartThings and use automations to trigger the different dimming level you created in the tap-to-run automations. See attached for more details.

If you have questions ask

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I see home assistant has litter robot and feeder robot integration. Is there any way this can work for smartthings? I mainly would want the feeder robot support but litter robot would be cool too.

Iā€™ve searched extensively on both the SmartThings Community and the web but havenā€™t found anything on this topic.

Would it be possible for a community developer to create a Reolink integration for SmartThings, please? Or is there a limitation thatā€™s stopping for this to be created?

Have you tried this driver? FYI: the developer is no longer active in the forum so you may have a problem getting help.

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