Post Requests for LAN/WIFI Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

understood. I was hoping someone could make a docker kind of container that would work with it. Kinda like how @brbeaird did for his myq bridge support.


If you can run a proxy on some always-on computer on the same subnet as your SmartThings hub, then it could probably be accomplished. An app like my edgebridge can forward HTTP requests to internet address from Edge drivers. If all you need to do is send some simple commands or fetch an individual data element, you might be able to put something together using my webrequestor Edge driver, rather than a custom driver.


Well thatā€™s interesting. I didnā€™t realize the Abode API had been reverse-engineered. I donā€™t know that Iā€™ll ever get enough to write a full-blown integration, but who knows. In the meantime, Iā€™ve got my Abode integrated with virtual switches and IFTTT applets.

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lol its awesome how many devices we both have. The sense, rainmachine, myq, now abodeā€¦ youve got great taste in tech lol.
Yea, i was hoping for local control kinda stuff to avoid cloud dependence on so many devices and just making automations easier under one appā€¦ thats the goal lol. I just love smartthings so much right now. Especially with your integrations.
i just need abode integration and Smart HQ integration so i can control my GE cafe keurig fridge from smartthings aswell and ill be in heaven lol

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My son has managed to get it working on HA but would be nice if it was possible on smartthings, On HA you can adjust the charge rate % wise so reduce charge from 30 amps down to about 6 amps, Also can enable and disable the charger from HA, when i have solar generation i reduce the charge so it uses most of the solar generation.

This is what he used to set it up, its all over my head.

Ok Iā€™ll look at it and get back to you.

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Edge is really very good. I have all of my lights on Lifx. Is there an Edge Driver for Lifx yet and if so can someone send me the invitation ?

Here you go


Unfortunately Iā€™m not sure whether or not this should be ZigBee & Thread to add to network, or here in LAN for detection and control one with the other but here goes.

How about a Home Assistant driver to do things locally instead of cloud-to-cloud?

Is there an edge driver for the Tuya WiFi light bulbs? I believe this is a very important driver to have. Any ideas?

Several community members use MQTT to integrate locally with home assistant. You can read about that project in the following thread:

Integration Solutions using MQTT

hi any chance we can have a driver fo the lg tv webos as the current one is very unusable.

Is it possible to get a driver to view eufy camera via the rtsp or just eufy support? I saw HA has integration via mqtt but Iā€™m not quite sure what that is myself.

A reliable video streaming driver can only be implemented via cloud-schema drivers; they are not currently supported by Edge. So you are unlikely to find a community member that would do it, since it requires an internet server platform to implement and support.

Iā€™ve done an Edge ONVIF video camera driver but the video streaming only works for some.


The eufy devices donā€™t work with onvif right?

I was hoping mainly for a way to switch the security mode of the devices for when I arm disarm the home.

I donā€™t know; youā€™d have to verify that with the manufacturerā€™s info.

Is local LAN control for the meross msg100 garage opener possible?

It should be possible. Meross devices are local to HomeKit through the official integration and thereā€™s an unofficial local integration for home assistant. Do you have a question, but the official integration with smartthings is cloud to cloud.

It would take some technical work to set up that kind of integration with smartthings and I donā€™t know of anyone who has done it yet.

For reference, hereā€™s a description of the home assistant method:

Meross MSG100 Garage Door Opener ā€“ Creating Smart Home