Work around - Here is the long version.
Pair each device with the SmartLife or related app.
In the SmartLife or related apps create separate Tap-to-Run (Scenes) automations. This currently doesn’t work with the Tuya app and integration.
Then in SmartThings: add device (+), add partner devices, chose Smart Life (or related integration), and follow prompts.
When you go back to the devices tab in SmartThings you will find ON and OFF switches for each device possibly under No Room Assigned.
They will say they are Connected. You can wake them up by turning them on and off. You only need to do this once for each imported switch.
Create a virtual switch in SmartThings using the Advanced Web App, the vEdge Creator Edge Driver or using SmartThings Labs on the Menu tab in the mobile app. ST Labs.
Using SmartThings Routines create 2 Routines. One will say toggle the “ON” scene when the virtual switch is turned “ON”. The second will say toggle the "OFF” scene when the virtual switch is turned “OFF”.
I have been using for several with no issues.
Revised 9/24/2023 & 12/6/2023