Pair Ikea Fyrtur Remote with Fyrtur Blinds?

most likely Shady is from pre-edge era and obsolete. Gentle wakeup works with switch level capability,


Thanks - that’s very helpful. Gentle Wakeup is also one of the default templates in the Groovy IDE (I know, it’s moribund), so I can probably tweak it on my own.

Any news on this topic?


First of all thanks for edge driver!

Can add support to the new PRAKTLYSING blind please?

So I purchased tredansen blinds a few weeks ago, got them working using Andrews driver’s and life was swell. But at some point in the past week (maybe 3-4 days) something broke. Smart things is properly detecting battery level, blinds height, etc. But it’s unable to open/close blinds, resulting in a “network or server error has occurred”. I’ve tried re-adding a few different ways but I keep having the same issue.

Anyone else experiencing this? And ideas for resolution?

first of all try rebooting and rebooting. If that doesn’t fix the workflow, try installing the smartthings cli and submit the log.

I’m thinking about buying few Fyrtur blinds. But when reading about all these problems I’m starting to have second thoughts. Is there still problems with Ikea blinds?

I’ve literally just managed to connect the repeater, remote and new Praktylsing blind to ST and used the remote to move the blinds with zero issue. Next step is to actually install them and figure out the grouping and % open/close stuff but it’s working so far.

Brilliant news! Are you using Edge driver or stock DTH?

I’m using the beta stock edge driver at the moment. I’ve never had smart blinds before so I’ll get it up and running with that and then play around with others.

Thanks. That helps, I want to use only Edge driver for my devices.

I’m struggling here. Downloaded your drivers that you posted. Blinds work great with ST however can’t get the remote to work it’s either one or the other. Any help
Much appreciated

did you get all the devices connected?
as far as I remember you have to put all the devices in one group

I seen that.

All devices being what though.

I pie blinds to ST. Then if I pair remote to blinds it cancels out the ST.

What do I pair to what?

Sorry new to ST and still learning

connect everything to the ST hub , so all the devices will be in the same network.
then go to the settings of every device and assign the devices to the same Zigbee group

So pair blinds repeater and remote?

Just select ikea window treatment or use something g else when adding

if you have these questions, likely you were not doing things right.

both remote and blind should be using the Edge driver published in my channel. you must see all the devices in the ST APP use the Edge driver .

as for the repeater, I don’t see any difference in my setup, I use one of them to extend the Zigbee network for other devices in distant rooms

I get this and like I said I’ve added blind to ST no problem. But how do I add the remote as if I pair with blind then it cancels the ST connection. Do I just add ikea window treatment again with just remote or add extender

never happened for me, connection of one device to ST hub never cancelled or removed existing devices from ST

So what I have done Is press both buttons on blind to pair with st. That paired but then controller/remote stopped working