I’ve been searching around and know that SmartThings supports OTA updates for zigbee devices, but it doesn’t seem to support OSRAM Lightify bulbs yet. Curious if anyone had any information on whether this is possible and/or if it is on the roadmap for the hub?
I only have 2 A19 bulbs, and I got those on sale, so I have no interest in buying a Lightify hub, but I would like to keep my bulbs updated.
ST stated that they would be rolling out Osram firmware updates after the first of the year (so possibly anytime now). Since the devices sometimes power on when polled for firmware, ST is actively working on a solution (which very well may involve updating the firmware).
@Aaron I have Osram Lightify strips which are not working properly after the ZigBee update on hub v2. Is there a fix coming? Too many threads going on with similar issues. Thanks.
I’m having an issue with my lightify strips also. They keep going on and off and changing color by themselves. See below for my email to SmartThings and their response.
“My two OSRAM LIGHTIFY Flex RGBW strips keep randomly changing color and or turning off/on without any smart apps or manual control. See the picture attachment for an example of the device changing color on its own (circled in Red).”
"Victor (SmartThings)
Jan 12, 11:43 AM MST
Hey Robert
Thanks for contacting SmartThings Support! Very sorry for the trouble.
Recently, we have had a number of reports of OSRAM LIGHTIFY Bulbs turning on by themselves and well as changing colors in certain situations. We are currently working with OSRAM to get this issue resolved as it seems to be happening on different platforms outside of SmartThings as well.
I have forwarded your information to our developers so that they can check your Hub’s logs for any information that can assist with implementing a solution. Once more information is provided from their end I will let you know right away.
I apologize for the inconvenience but please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns in the meantime.
FYI, just rec’d notice that ST firmware is scheduled to update tomorrow & it appears that part of the package includes ORAM firmware update capability thru ST hub!!
My question is with the new update 0.16.12 coming today how d owe initiate an update to our Osram Lightify devices? Mine have been dropping like flies the last couple of weeks.