Migration groovy to Lua Zigbee (SmartThings Edge)

Migration SmartThing Edge

Hello, we are a company. I try to understand migration but it says it all and its reverse.

These are the zigbee switch, zigbee multi switch, zigbee windows treatment.


We had our devices tested in .groovy and added via fingerprints on Samsung account.

Then they were published on this interface with our brand.


We thus found our code there.


Since I read on the official site that if it is a zigbee =>

Option 4 (For Zigbee and Z-Wave devices only): Install a replacement custom Lua Edge Driver from the SmartThings community here into your SmartThings hub and SmartThings will migrate your device. If the custom Edge driver is already on the hub, we will attempt to migrate the device to that specific driver. This option is to move a custom Zigbee/Z-Wave Groovy DTH to a custom Lua Edge driver without needing to delete the device in SmartThings.

What is the process for adding the fingerprint, since before it was done in 2 steps:

  • test in ide (I don’t find this part) => is it all in command line?
  • workspace deployment

By the way, what happens to the .groovy version in zigbee because it is not mentioned to delete it?

Should we recreate our brand in the console Samsung account?

If someone can guide me so that it takes place simply and without a hitch.

I thank you in advance.

Best regards

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I’ll tag @nayelyz and @AlejandroPadilla from the developer support team as they will be in a better position to provide advice.

Hi @AltyorFig

I’m Alejandro from Developer Support Team

I’ll consult the corresponding team

You can apply for a certificate Submit a Certification Request

For this question, Can you provide more information or explain the question?

Hi @ AlejandroPadilla

Thank you for your quick support, so I understand that we can no longer test our products as before. Can you confirm this for me?

First step is to :

  • clone the repo, push our fingerprint to a remote branch and pull request

  • Then the certification phase comes into place with the addition of our brand and our product.

For deletion of old repo located SmartThingsPublic, this will be done automatically once our migration done?

Hi @AltyorFig

Yes, the new process is this:

  1. You need to test your product and ensure that it works correctly after adding its fingerprint to the corresponding driver.
  2. Submit a pull request to the official Edge Driver repo
  3. Register the necessary info in the SmartThings Console ( organization, brand, and product)

You can find more information on Certifications

Currently, when adding a new device to SmartThings first, the platform tries to find a compatible Edge driver, if it isn’t found, SmartThings uses a stock DTH, but once the shutdown of DTH happens, SmartThings will not consider them during this process

You can find more information in this post:

Thanks @AlejandroPadilla,

I’m sure it’s very clear in your head, however the test phase has it much less for me.
Should I do it by running the run_driver_test.py script or from the command line like with the SMARTTHINGS CLI.

Best regards

Hi @AltyorFig

You can test the device with these steps:

  1. Find the Edge Driver that you are interested in use Edge drivers
  2. Download the Edge Driver
  3. Add the Fingerprint to the Edge Driver
  4. Add the Edge driver to your Hub, example
  5. Install the device with the Edge driver
  6. Verify the behavior of the device with the Edge Driver

You can find some points to check at the moment to test here Test your device

Integration testing is not required, but can help identify and address bugs before deploying your driver to a Hub. But is required for WWST certification requests that involve changes beyond device fingerprints.

I don’t know about this run_driver_test.py , for integration testing you can use lua
If you have more questions, please, let me know.

Hi @AlejandroPadilla,

Thanks for your answer, I’m testing this and if I encounter any difficulties, I’ll come back to you.

I have one last question because I read that with Smartthings Edge, Matter integrated the possibility of doing OTA (Over the air), is this possible with Zigbee devices and if so do you have documentation on this subject?

Best regards

Hi @AltyorFig

Is not possible for Zigbee devices, in this post you can find more information Hub Firmware Beta 47.3 - #6 by Kianoosh_Karami

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