Issues with Device Control and Hub Connectivity (December 18, 2019)

Anyone having issues just now? My hub is saying it’s offline in the app and I can’t control anything remotely as my devices don’t load. Using the Classic app.

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I am experiencing the same

Yes. My Hub is also offline.

Ok, glad it’s not just me. I thought my hub died for a second

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Same here! Ugh!

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My hub isn’t showing offline but nearly all my devices are offline. Both new and classic app are having issues

I just set up a bunch of new Inovelli switches and having a hard time getting them working (remote switches controlling other switches wired to lights). Thought I messed up my network when nothing was respondong with crazy long delays. Reset network and tried repairing to no avail.

Guess this explains the wonkiness.

Same same…

So when are we going to get a 100 % local processing for SmartThings? Almost all of my lights are smart bulbs it’s amazing what doesn’t work when my hub goes offline.

When we switch to hubitat I guess.

My hub has been going Offline/ Online starting from 424pm through at least 630pm Pacific Standard Time (California)

Anyone know what’s going on??

Over the past 2 days I keep getting notifications that say my hub is now online, but I never got a notification about my hub being offline. I am working and in front of the hub and just noticed that the status light was blue and went to the app and got the error message. I didn’t do anything but it turned green, still no app access, then back to blue and now back to green again.

Nice to know it’s not just me. Misery loves company.


Same for me. We came home from dinner and the alarm went off and we couldn’t disable it. Very frustrating.

No update from Samsung but my apps are now showing most devices back to normal.

[Edit] spoke too soon, not quite everything is back

I appear to be back up…at least for the moment.

I am back up but had to unplug both of my hubs to make it happen. They would not respond to the IDE reboot command. One hub requires a ladder and the other is in a workshop in the back of the property. With this issue reoccurring every couple of weeks, it looks like I will need to install WiFi smart plugs to be able to reboot these when this happens in the middle of the night or worse when traveling out of town.

Everything appears to be back up but I found several battery operated zigbee devices marked as offline and a Smartthings zigbee outlet that works perfectly but marked offline. Just a coincidence or related?

Devices keep showing as unavailable . Unplug power to hub several times and there are always some devices unavailable (different ones each time).

Status shows as degraded here: (

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