I discovered some progress others had made on the Ikea Tradfri Motion Sensor over on the Zigbee2MQTT github. I thought I’d share it here in case it could help with developing a device handler for SmartThings.
It seems it works nicely and reports its state (unlike some other reports I’ve seen on this community).
I will be attempting to write some groovy code for the first time but may need some assistance if anyone else is keen to get this device working?
Can you confirm how does it record motion? I have two of them, the newer one. Both paired, but I couldn’t managed any of them to show motion. Is the LED lights up when motion sensesd?
Thanks! I cannot get motion recorded. Do you have the new one with the 3 buttons on the back, or the old with the button and 2 dials? I really appreciate your help!
Android. I’ve just paired with a TRADFRI bulb to try is it sensing motion and it does, correctly. After paired it again with the Hub, but nothing shows up for motion. Pairing, I mean reset the motion sensor, 4 press in 5 seconds and then the Hub can find it. Have you paired it in a different way?