I’m having some mysterious issues with my SmartThings app controlling my Honeywell Thermostat. The routines will no longer trigger the heat settings on the thermostat, not at the configured time, nor when the routine is selected manually. The lights do work.
When I go to the thermostat in the app and change the temperature manually the thermostat DOES respond.
I have re-authenticated etc to no avail.
When I add the thermostat to my Google Home directly or works with voice commands.
Just chatted with support. Apparently they know about it and they found out day or two ago. Can’t control the heat setting or the cool setting with an app. Or routine. You have to go to the actual device in the list of things and change it that way. Working on a fix I guess. @slagle@destructure00
Same here. Just driven myself mad removing two thermostats and re-adding them, plus resetting the routines. I can change the thermostats in the app okay, but they don’t respond to the routines or smart apps.
Me too! It’s super infuriating. This started for me about the same time as you. Something similar happened a few weeks ago but cleared up on its own. Tech support says other users have reported this problem and a fix is in the works, but I haven’t heard back for a few days.
So I am back to being able to set my heating and cooling point using a core piston. It’s working again. But what’s still not working is doing through an official ST routine.
setPoint is now working for me, also. But now, resumeProgram is not. I’m getting spurious “status is Check Your Thermostat WiFi Connectivity” messages even though I see no sign of connectivity problems.
A minor update on “resumeProgram” on my Honeywell thermostat. It generally worked to raiseSetpoint before issuing the resumeProgram, but I didn’t like messing with the setpoint and maybe unnecessarily turning the compressor on or off. So, I tried a couple of commands to see if they would similarly jog it to accept resume. I found that setting the mode to cool or heat worked, so now my webCoRE piston checks for mode and redundantly sets the same mode before issuing the resumeProgram. Testing so far shows it works.
Sorry for the delay on my update. Things seem to be working again. The schedule works, voice commands work, I should check the logs like you guys I suppose.