Honeywell Smart Wi-Fi Thermostat Compatibility

Hey, first post here…

I’ve been reading that there has been significant progress in connecting the Nest to SmartThings… So my question is, has any one been able to get the new Honeywell Smart Wi-Fi Thermostat to connect? The actual model number is RTH9580WF.

It’s just my preference but I much prefer the aesthetics of the Honeywell model to the Nest and I really don’t like the look of any of the z- wave thermostats.



Any information out there?


@harozi2 - It’s my understanding that the Honeywell WiFi thermostats only talk to their Total Connect Comfort service, and there’s no documented API that would allow for SmartThings to talk to it. If they do release an API, we’ll definitely look into integration.

2 gig Tstats talk to Vera. When I first received my hub I paired it and it seemed to work but put t back into Vera after a few minutes. I have a pre-release Honeywell testat (with wire saver) that Honeywell assures me will work but I don’t ave the time to test it. It supposedly shows up as a “generic” tsat whatever that means in Honeywell speak. It’s scheduled for release in jan 04 - currently out with pre-release testers.

@solardave1 – Which 2Gig thermostat - the CT100? We’ve paired a Radio Thermostat (the OEM for the 2Gig CT100) CT80 without any trouble, but haven’t had the 2Gig model in to test with yet and weren’t sure if they had any custom firmware that might’ve been doing anything different than what the other Radio Thermostat models do.

Any idea when the Radio Thermostat compatibility will be implemented? I’ve got two Radio Thermostats (CT30), would love to have this one!

@danlieberman. ct100
Do you need me to lend you one for testing?

@solardave1 What kind of pre-release thermostat do you have? Is it the new version of the TH8320ZW? I was particularly interested in the Smart Wi-Fi one because it had such a slick design but didn’t look odd like the Nest. If Honeywell was refreshing one of their Z-Wave’s to have the design elements of their Smart Wi-Fi version, that’d be perfect…

@solardave1 What kind of pre-release thermostat do you have? Is it the new version of the TH8320ZW? I was particularly interested in the Smart Wi-Fi one because it had such a slick design but didn’t look odd like the Nest. If Honeywell was refreshing one of their Z-Wave’s to have the design elements of their Smart Wi-Fi version, that’d be perfect…

@cris - sorry but I’m under an NDA. Honeywell should be issuing press releases on a number of new “smart” products in early September.


I understand you’re under a NDA… but if would it be possible to leak with these new “smart” products use a radio protocol that starts with the last letter of the Alphabet?

Haha and if it keeps the design elements of their recent smart WiFi tstat?

I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

looks like they have an open api now… any updates?

Just bought this since I’m hoping they will support it now that they have an open api. Any updates?

I have the RTH6580WF Honeywell Wifi model. Hopefully this can be integrated into SmartThings, as well.

Just wondering if there’s any updates on adding this to ST?

I had those as well, and I doubt they’ll be integrated since those are geared to the Total Connect services Honeywell provides. I was able to return mine back to Lowes and I bought the Honeywell Z-wave version instead from Amazon.

True, but I’ve read that the API is open now, although still beta phase so you have to sign up for it. But it’s still available though. I got the Honeywell because it had more information on screen than the Nest.

Integration of this new HoneyWell TotalConnect API would be a killer app for me. Is there any plan to support this?