GE Z-Wave devices on sale at Walmart - YMMV

At the location I want to they had said they just move them from the electronic’s department over to a clearance shelf yesterday. At another store they had never heard of the device and said they didn’t have any, even though brick seek said they had 2 in stock for the last couple days. I have a feeling they are sitting in a box in the back waiting to be thrown out since no one knows what they are. But yeah, YMMV.

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I went to 2 stores tonight and found 3 outlets, which I needed so it worked out well. I would like to find a few motion sensors. Ill hit up some of the other stores tomorrow.

all out here, brick search showed them in stock, same for walmart app. alas no luck this time

I actually ended up catching around 40 various switches, sensors, plugs and bulbs in November. I returned most of them in December because our local stores never dropped to the $8 price. Intended to go back to check on price adjustments to my returns, but forgot.

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