yes, but i did notice something interesting in the ide hub event list, when i exclude with the minimote, the ide hub event list is showing that it is excluding a device network ID. so, it appears that it is pairing, but not reflecting that it is which is leading me to believe that i have a rogue device handler.
do you still have other fibaro motion sensors currently paired to your hub?i saw you had another thread on same subject. if you still have some paired… are they using that custom device handler?
yes, a couple of weeks back I was able to re-pair/include 3 and those are still connected, but i have a mix of z and z+ that just wont pair. this leads me to believe that something fairly recently is causing this.
only two thoughts, since i am stuck, is run z-wave repair and reboot your hub. see if there any errors when running repair and that there are no ghost devices.
Do it while you have the Join active - you should see the hub go ZWJoin ready / searching and also the ZWJoin end… if you don’t see the device try to join between those it’s not communicating properly.
I havent tried that yes as I have around 300 devices connected and dont want to lose anything just yet.
so, to soft reset I can just disconnect the power and plug it back in or do i need to briefly press the recessed button with a paperclip and then plug back in?
No, just remove the power for 10 seconds so all the lights go off. This should be just enough to allow the hardware to reset without your devices panicking they cannot see the hub.
so, i did this a couple of times, but it didnt fix the problem. though it did cause about 20 zwave devices to go offline, but they came back online after a little while.
it appears that its time to change/divide devices across multiple hubs. this is a v2 hub 200 from around '15 and the second time its done this type of zwave behavior. same as last time around 300 devices during firmware updates.
so, i have access to various v2 200/250 v3/aeotec hubs. i was thinking about spreading out the 300 devices across multiple hubs. say put the water leak sensors and smoke alarm detectors on one hub. motion detectors on another hub. contacts on a different hub. outside mailbox, yard motion sensors, gate contacts on their own hub. this way it would balance out the load and then something goes rogue hopefully it would be less to reset at a time.
something else to keep in mind is where samsung is going with smartthings and their own sensors vs. other brand sensors. might need to put all the smartthings sensors on their own hub eventually.
Sorry it didn’t fix it. I did not pick up that your network was quite that scale. Various sources state that a Z-Wave network can consist of up to 232 devices. So if 232 is the max then likely the practical limit could be considerably lower depending on the mix of devices you have and how chatty they are. It could also be that some of the Z-wave devices on the network are less able to handle the scale than others. Maybe breaking it up would help.