Thanks for the reply.
I agree that a modified DTH does not work according to the samrthings requirements and that in the future if only the stock DTHs work because the IDE disappears they would stop working and we would have to return to the stock DTH.
About what the DTH is in the firmware of the Hub I have my doubts based on what I see and I explain to you in three examples that do not confirm that the DTH is executed in the Hub and if it confirms that what is executed are the standard capabilities:
The official DTH “Smartsense multi sensor” installed in an original device manufactured by “samjin” for samsung smartthings, with original local execution: Not all its capabilities work as local. Open / Close runs locally in samart lighting, you can turn lights on and off … without internet.
If you want to turn lights on or off with acceleration capability, it doesn’t work locally. Why? I think it is because it needs a specific calculation, which is in the DTH and the DTH is not in the hub, it is in the cloud. -
The official DTH “Smartsense motion sensor” installed in an original device manufactured by “samjin” for samsung smartthings with original local execution with a concrete example battery percentage cluster x0021 raw value = 184:
- The calculation of the battery level in execution in the cloud is 88% and corresponds exactly to the calculation with the specific formula for “samjin” written in the DTH that is in the cloud: 184 - (200-184) / 2 = 88% )
- The battery level calculation for the same device in local execution is 92%, which corresponds to the standard formula for calculating the battery percentage for the x0021 cluster (184/2 = 92%) that is in the hub. If the DTH were in the Hub it would calculate it the same.
The DTH of “Fibaro Double Switch 2 ZW5” for double switch 2 is of execution in the cloud and therefore it should not be in the Hub. But if you modify it to local execution and install it with IDE, the “switch” capability works perfectly as local one in the smart lighting app. Which shows that the hub cares little about DTH and it cares about the standard “switch” capability.
With this, what I want to tell you is that, samsung do not officially tell us what their plans are, but I think that if they want and as the Hub software works now, in the future the local execution does not necessarily have to depend of DTH.