(EDGE Driver-Mc) Zigbee switch MC, Zigbee switch power MC, Zigbee multi switch and child MC

I’m not talking about the icons.
Every room has an button on the top for lights, there you can control all lights in the room.
But I can’t choose the main one, it doesn’t set as light profile
And it’s not only in my new 4 channel switch, I tried with another new 3 gang Girier switch and it’s the same.

Choosing an icon in the mobile app used to add a user category to your device that matched the icon you had chosen. So a ceiling light icon would change the category to Light. Back in February I noted that this would make the device appear on the Summary Tiles whether you liked it or not as the settings seemed to list the devices based on the manufacturer category.

Something has changed though. I have devices that have had their user category removed and now have duplicate manufacturer categories, and when I add an icon the user category that is added is the same as the manufacturer one (or it is on the ones I’ve tried - it could be more subtle than I’ve found so far). The summary settings now seem to match the actual devices in use, but I don’t seem to be able to influence what is offered. So we seem to be currently stuck with only the Light or SmartPlug categories, as defined by the developers, being eligible to be considered as lights for the purpose of the summary tiles. Unfortunately it is very common for a light to be plugged into a device that is categorised as a Switch.


Thanks for your explanation.
But actually changing the icon to light doesn’t affect the category of the device.
I tried the opposite way, changed a light to socket icon and in the still shown as light in the tiles.

That was the point I was making. It used to be the case that when you changed an icon in the app a ‘user’ category was added or updated in the device that took priority over the category set in the device profile. So you had some control over what the summary tile considered as a light. That no longer seems to be the case. It could be fixed by developers but the problem there is that they would need to replace one device profile by three in many cases and then update all the fingerprints, and they’d be fixing something which should be a user choice anyway.

But when it 3 gang switch, why just the main switch can’t be as light? And another thing, if you don’t want to use them as lights you can remove them from the lights tile, but not the opposite thing.

That also depends on the category assigned in the profile.

From the beginning smartthings does not allow the switch category to be grouped as a light, it is incomprehensible that switches, which normally can controld lights, are not available.

I can change your device to the profile with smartPlug category, but it will be at the end of the week when I have access to the CLI.

You will also have to reinstall the device to be assigned the new profile

Thank you,
I think I found a solution for the issue, I created mirror switch for the main switch light and thin I can see it in the light tiles.

Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo , Can you please add the following Multi - Switches:

Manufacturer: _TZ3000_ogpla3lh
Model: TS0002

And also ,

Manufacturer: _TZ3000_bmqxalil
Model: TS0001

@Klein_Zeev these additions are for you…

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Added to these drivers versions

You need install this driver version
uninstall device and reinstall device

You do not perform a driver change

 Name         Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc     
 Version      2024-04-26T16:38:12.321770612        
- id: "TS0002/_TZ3000_ogpla3lh"
    deviceLabel: TS0002 Two Switch
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_ogpla3lh
    model: TS0002
    deviceProfileName: two-switch
 Name         Zigbee Switch Mc
 Version      2024-04-26T16:41:39.390155344        
- id: "_TZ3000_bmqxalil/TS0001"
    deviceLabel: TS0001 Switch
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_bmqxalil
    model: TS0001
    deviceProfileName: single-switch
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Updating from @Klein_Zeev, all works fine. Thank you @Mariano_Colmenarejo

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Today this has been modified and switches are now visible! Unfortunately not selecting correctly and the humidity tile is not working now :man_shrugging:

UPDATE Sun 28/4
On iOS now working as expected both Humidity and Temperature tiles, although humidity icon still showing as ‘thermometer’. Lighting tile really works quite well - has replaced my lighting group tile on favourites.

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So they have. Mine seem to be working as I would expect at first glance.

The humidity tile has certainly dropped out of the API so it isn’t just the app being silly. I’ll take a look at the presentation later to see what else the little tinkers may have been up to.

Update (little while later):

I can’t select temperature devices at the moment, I just have an ‘All’ tick box permanently on and no listing. Temperature has also disappeared from the ‘Show {{Location Name}}’ menu.

Another update (next day):

Humidity is back. Temperature settings still broken.

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I checked and it works, thank you very much!

I’m not a developer, so this is just a guess but I would bet it’s because lights don’t have child devices. If you were to change the main (parent) switch to a light then the child switches would be effectively orphans. Creating the virtual switch to control it seems to be the best solution.

Hi, @Mariano_Colmenarejo

If possible, can you add the following product?
It is the Pushbot made by Hejhome. It has the same functions as the Tuya Fingerbot.

Model: TS0001
Manufacturer Code: _TZ3210_cm9mbpr1

Thank you.

Hi @sewjjang

Added to this driver version

You need install this driver version
uninstall device and reinstall device

You do not perform a driver change

 Name         Zigbee Switch Mc
 Version      2024-05-12T09:06:03.840989447        
- id: "_TZ3210_cm9mbpr1/Fingerboot"
    deviceLabel: Hej Fingerbot Plus
    manufacturer: _TZ3210_cm9mbpr1
    model: TS0001
    deviceProfileName: switch-battery
1 Like

Hi, @Mariano_Colmenarejo
If possible, can you add the following product?
This is a door sensor.

Manufacturer Code : Konke
Model : 3AFE280104020015

Thank you.

Hi @hardwater

Could you pair with zigbee thing mc from my Channel yo see the clusters used by device?

Server Cluster: Ep: 0x01=[ 0000,0001,0003,0500,FCC0]
Client Clusters: Ep: 0x01=[ 0003,FCC0]

Thank you.

Added to this driver version

You need install this driver version
uninstall device and reinstall device

You do not perform a driver change

 Name         Zigbee Contact Mc
 Version      2024-05-12T16:08:00.531460292
- id: "Konke/3AFE280104020015"
    deviceLabel: Konke Close Sensor
    manufacturer: Konke
    model: 3AFE280104020015
    deviceProfileName: contact-battery-profile
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