Devices keep showing as "Unavailable" but still working- Device Health

Smartthings support email

I appreciate the time and efforts you put on this issue to get it resolved. For some moment now, it seems to be a problem of downtime with the SmartThings cloud server and we have solved it.

However, we will keep this ticket open and will monitor the device status in your account to ensure that the system is stable. If you are still facing the difficulties with the device status, please write back to us and we will investigate further.

I’m having the same problem how did you fix the problem

I had this problem and below are the changes I made to my setup which seemed to make the problem go from having 5 or 10 devices flapping connected/disconnected every 12 hours to one device dropping for 12 hours once a week.

  1. I hardwired my hub to my router via Ethernet. My router is on the second floor and my hub is in the basement. I’d get a hub disconnect every few days before I did this. It’s a pain to switch it and involves excluding and rejoining every device. But it definately helped.

  2. I set my WiFi router to use channel 1 for the 2.4 GHz radio. Z-Wave channels and WiFi channels overlap! Failtown. Each hub is factory assigned a fixed z-wave channel. However, WiFi channel 1 is the furthest away from any of the z-wave channels that ST uses on any of its hubs.

My hunch as to the underlying cause of this: Most of the devices attached the hub are configured for a health check every 12 hours. If the health check fails due to several minutes of poor signal, the hub marks the device offline and waits 12 more hours to check again. Any other messages from the device that get through will still update the device status in the app and show up in the device history. Other than the device showing offline and you not being able to send commands to it in the app, it should still behave correctly with respect to any automations you have set up.

See the earlier post (three posts before your post)

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I replied to the support person just now.
I have four devices unavailable.:worried:

Device Health Status Incident

New incident: Investigating

Starting Saturday, July 27th, around 7:00pm CST, some users in the Americas may have been experiencing delayed device health updates for Hubs and connected devices. We are investigating and will provide updates as available.

Time posted

Jul 31, 15:04 EDT

Holly cow! I’ve already started replacing half of my smartthings devices with homekit counterparts because Smartthings suddently stopped responding, slow to respond and so on.

Samsung, такой Samsung ™

Looks like everything has resolved on it’s own for me.

My devices are all available now but the incident is still open and the Platform Status shows “Degraded Performance” in the Americas

Platform Status

I have the same issue since the last V3 hub update. Some of my Samsung’ multisensors, movements sensors keep disconnecting randomly. Now, it is one of my Samsung outlet that is disconnected. When it’s happening, the devices keep working.

I have to reset the device and add it again. I don’t have to reedit them, they have kept the name.

Device Health Status

We have identified the cause of the delays in device health updates and have implemented a fix. We are seeing improved performance and are monitoring to ensure a full recovery. During this time, a small number of users may still experience some delays in device health updates. We will continue to provide updates as available.

Posted Aug 01, 2019 - 13:30 EDT

According to status update today:

Incident resolved

After continued monitoring the issues causing delayed device health updates for Hubs and connected devices in the Americas have been resolved. Please contact us via if you have any questions.

Time posted

Aug 2, 12:41 EDT

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I still have this problem on one of my lights. I guess i better contact them…

Edit: reset the hub and still have the problem, now with a different device (keypad, used to be light).

I just turned device health off in the slide out menu (hamburger button) of the classic app and the “unavailable” status disappeared from my ge zwave switch.

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Hopefully it isn’t actually unavailable…

I am experiencing this problem also. If a fix has been identified, please present it here so all can be aware. Thanks

Was there any update to this issue? I have been staring at red dots for quite a while even though all seems to be working fine. Seems to be mostly Zigbee devices.

I’m having the same problem. Have been for weeks. Devices apparently unavailable, but still working. Come back on again after several hours. Mostly battery devices, which leads me to suspect that there’s an issue with the way device health interacts with battery devices, which only check in every hour or so.
I also note several references in this thread to fixes for the Americas. I’m in the UK.

Seems definitely there is a problem with health info, not with devices themselves in my case. Removing and reinstalling is only a temp fix. Best to disable the health check since the devices are working a simple manual check confirms device functioning. The hub issued seems to be missing or not updating device health appropriately, my opinion is most likely logic issue in device update handling, probably in the firmware settings/specs being used by hub…

I’ve noticed that the devices unavailable, but still working problem seems to have been fixed in the last few days. At least I haven’t noticed the problem recently.