[DEPRECATED] Universal Ecobee Suite, version 1.7.**


Please see the new release thread here:


ecobee-suite-routines.groovy updated to 1.7.01


After updating to Ver 1.7 my custom comfort schedules aren’t showing up in the manager as options any longer.

I suppose it’s possible there’s something I needed to do when updating in the IDE but it is odd because they were there before updating.

Yep - I screwed that up. My sincerest apologies.

They are still there, I just need to update a bunch of the Helpers to get them to reappear. Hopefully, I’ll get it all resolved tonight - tomorrow at the latest.

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No problem. Thanks!

Under my Helper Smartapps, I have a bunch of blank ones and if I try and get into it, I get the “Something’s Wrong”. Retry does not work.

Also, would it be possible to add the “Fan” on/off as a separate switched device for other things?

I have loved this app, by the way. Thank you for making it.

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Ok updated and sms is good now, dif problem now tho. Simple fix I’m sure. Just working my way through this. Sms helped me see something Is wrong

What happens if you open “Heat Off” and then just save it (without changing anything)?

Nothing changes, I have tried a bunch of different things, set the optional one for when internal drops below set point it turns heating back on, just waiting for house to cool a bit.

Internal temp hit 14.5 and set point is 15 and heat mode didn’t turn back on. I wonder if the app needs to fully run automatically again or if I can just click save and see

Depending on which one is right lol I might be too early. Guess the ecobee app shows the actual stat temp and ST shows average which your helper app would be using.

Weird - my app should show whatever is showing on the Thermostat. It doesn’t do averages for the Thermostat, although the thermostat may be averaging one or more sensors…

Just figured out I had to relogin, it was showing 15.2 for hours lol, maybe since I updated in ide

So it realized it was below set point and says it also can’t change mode to heat due to reservations. So even the same helper app can’t get it out of off with that optional feature you have, which I thought was going to make this work for sure

I’m going to have to scratch all this anyways, wo t work the way I want. Simple version is say outside is 5 so it sets stat to 15 and another one if it’s 1 outside it sets stat to 18 and if outside is above 10 it sets stat to off. But say it’s set to 18 from the below 1 helper app, and then the below 5 does a timed check, it’s going to change it back to 15, I believe this is how it would go. So that’s no good. I guess I’ll just have to continue to manually change my settings until summer is fully kicked in and then again closer to winter.

I just upgraded to 1.7.01 (not sure which version I upgraded from). When trying to view an existing smart room helper, or create a new smart room helper, I get a “Somehting’s Wrong. We can’t load your screen right now.” error in the Smart Things Classic app, and

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.util.LinkedHashMap.sort() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Boolean, script_app_502def15136039cee44e75bc010fdada02014b69b45b227566686e8fba5256ad$_getEcobeeSensorsList_closure3) values: [false, script_app_502def15136039cee44e75bc010fdada02014b69b45b227566686e8fba5256ad$_getEcobeeSensorsList_closure3@48fadde7]
Possible solutions: sort(), sort(groovy.lang.Closure), sort(java.util.Comparator), wait(), size(), size() @line 193 (getEcobeeSensorsList)

shows up in the IDE log for the smart room helper

I see the same error in the log when I try to open a new smart room but do not see an error in the classic app. I get a spinning wheel and then it times out with no message.:
11:33:39 AM: error groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.util.LinkedHashMap.sort() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Boolean, script_app_502def15136039cee44e75bc010fdada02014b69b45b227566686e8fba5256ad$_getEcobeeSensorsList_closure3) values: [false, script_app_502def15136039cee44e75bc010fdada02014b69b45b227566686e8fba5256ad$_getEcobeeSensorsList_closure3@63387676]
Possible solutions: sort(), sort(groovy.lang.Closure), sort(java.util.Comparator), wait(), size(), size() @line 193 (getEcobeeSensorsList)

I removed “false” from the arguments of the sort() call on line 193 of ecobee-suite-smart-room.groovy and it’s working now. This was added with the initial commit of 1.7.0

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Thanks for the new update. These new apps look exciting.

As I step through the Helper SmartApps I am also getting an error when I elect New Contact & Switches Helper. I get the spinning wheel in the app and after it times out I have a blank entry under Configured Helper Smart Apps. The IDE error log:11:44:16 AM: error java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method contains() on null object @line 84 (doCall)

I stepped through all the other helper apps and they seem to be working as expected. If you’d like me to try anything particular and report back, I’m happy to help.

I believe the Ecobee Switch+ as a sensor integration is STILL (I believe it was originally promised last summer?!) in beta, but I have it set up with my thermostat. The API reports it as a “switch_plus” sensor type, so I was able to get it to be utilized by ecobee suite by adding “switch_plus” to all the checks that look for the “ecobee3_remote_sensor” type. So far, it seems to be working fine. The only difference I’ve seen is that it doesn’t have a “code” attribute. It should be pretty simple to add this integration when it is finally released by ecobee