Cree to offer Zigbee LED smart bulb

K, thanks. I was going to install one in the laundry, figured it was cheaper to put a non-dimmable one in there. Laundry time doesn’t need mood lighting.

Holy cow! I’ve been frustrated with this as well and couldn’t for the life of me figure it out. I’ve been trying to find a source of possible interference in that end of the house for weeks! I’m going to flip the lamp and see if that solves it, then maybe try the GE bulb there.

K… Just since it is officially supported by ST, picked up today 2 of these from Home Depot and decided to put them outdoors on the regular dusk to dawn sconces by the garage door. And tried to dim it and it started flashing like crazy. Ordinary Philips led bulbs on those sconces used to dim much better and brighten up on motion. In my opinion, this things quality is far inferior than Philips regular dimmable LED’s.

ST MobileApp and other SmartApps are not in this equation as these sconces are regular photocell motion activated ones that you buy at HD…Health/Zenith dusk to dawn types…

If you put smart bulbs into dimming fixtures that used to control dumb bulbs it’s very likely that the problem is incompatibility between the switch and the bulb. Not a problem with the bulb. The fixture will be expecting at least a 50 draw, won’t get it, and everything goes bananas.

Try the same bulbs in a fixture not controlled by a dimmer switch that changes current flow and see if it’s any better.

JD, agreed! The front patio has the same sconce (hope I am spelling it correctly) with a GE link and the dim level is pretty decent. Just to check, I had Philips lux for a few days when I first got those on those garage sconces and their dim level during dusk to dawn was pretty decent. Currently the experience is not about the flashing when dimming it via the mobile app but when it is being used as a dumb bulb. But of course I am going to use those Cree’s somewhere where it will smart as intended. :smile:

A little off topic here… I wish I could disable the photocells on those outdoor light fixtures so that I can effectively use smart bulbs on those. Not being handy is the biggest issue…

“Sconce,” probably.

Anyway, smart bulbs need to be on circuits which are not controlled by a switch that varies circuit load. The bulb itself will vary its draw to dim. :sunglasses:

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I have one mounted upside down and don’t have any issues with it. I did pair it in a lamp near the hub first (which was upright).

Black electrical tape…


That was my first thought! :smiley:

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So going to try this out once back from work. :slight_smile:

If you get brave enough to open the base of the lamp, you would find two wires that go to the photo sensor. To disable the photo sensor you simply disconnect those wires from the photo sensor, and connect them to each other. Use a wire nut or twist together and securely wrap with electrical tape. Done. TURN POWER OFF FIRST!

@bravenel If only I was that handy… :wink: Black tape will do for now till I get drunk the next time and ready to take on the world…


I wanted to bump this thread again because it took me some time to find it and the process in the message quoted above worked great once I got the hang of it. I was literally about to give up and return it, but then after reading these instructions carefully and trying it a few more times, I now feel like I could do it in my sleep. Thanks @dckirker. To anyone else struggling with resetting this bulb, know that you are not alone, and it is possible :wink:.

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One of my Cree bulbs throws this error semi regularly. No idea what causes it, light is off for a long time and may throw it two, three times an hour. Any ideas?

7a1f16db-88ef-49bd-8885-ff158a8e9d9b  2:27:12 PM: debug [raw:E0280A0019120049110100F4010000, dni:E028, endpoint:0A, clusterInt:25, cluster:0019, size:12, attrInt:18688, attrId:4900, encoding:11, value:000001f40001]
7a1f16db-88ef-49bd-8885-ff158a8e9d9b  2:27:12 PM: warn DID NOT PARSE MESSAGE for description : read attr - raw: E0280A0019120049110100F4010000, dni: E028, endpoint: 0A, cluster: 0019, size: 12, attrId: 4900, encoding: 11, value: 000001f40001
7a1f16db-88ef-49bd-8885-ff158a8e9d9b  2:27:12 PM: debug description is read attr - raw: E0280A0019120049110100F4010000, dni: E028, endpoint: 0A, cluster: 0019, size: 12, attrId: 4900, encoding: 11, value: 000001f40001

It’s not really an error. It’s the bulb checking with the hub for a firmware update, but ST hasn’t implemented the ability for over-the-air updates yet, so they’re not doing anything with the message.

That warning is part of the new Zigbee framework when they don’t have a built-in parse event for that particular cluster and message. You can ignore them. ST probably needs the logging in case you need support.

You said it’s only the one bulb? Is that one by any chance newer or was it once connected to another hub? Wonder if it’s a newer firmware version that is checking in?

This is the only hub it’s been connected to. I may not be logging at the right time to catch my other two Cree’s doing that. Thanks for the explanation though!

FWIW, I have 3 of these bulbs all recently purchased from the same local hardware store. Two of them are “soft white” color temperature while the third bulb is a “daylight” color temperature. The “daylight” bulb reports these same “DID NOT PARSE MESSAGE” log messages once every hour. The two “daylight” bulbs do the same reporting but at 10 minute intervals. Details of the debug line are slightly different between the two. They’ve only ever been connected to my recently purchased V2 Hub.

I’ve now had three of these bulbs fail where they won’t turn off completely. I don’t plan to purchase any more of them.

I’ve had the reverse with the GE Link, they just stop responding to on commands. Seems neither bulb is fully reliable yet. So far with the issues I’ve had on both bulbs, the Cree is the better of the two, that’s not saying much…

The difference is, with the GE bulbs, I can get them to work again. The Cree bulbs seems to develop some kind of hardware issue where they just will not turn off.