You’d probably get flickers. Smart bulbs dim through a different method than dimmer switches.
Some dimmers can disconnect the load and allow the buttons to be “smart”. This is what I’m doing with my dimmers and smart bulbs.
Taping the dimmer triggers a smartapp that sets the dim level of the smart bulbs on or off.
Tapping and holding isn’t working, but the smartapp can control the levels of each bulb so it reaches the right levels.
Can even tie in a light level from another sensor to adjust the lights to the ideal lux instead of a % of dim as well.
Which dimmers are you using @pstuart
These are on two separate circuits. But I want them to act as one.
Check out the Dim with Me smartapp by @wackware. Best way is to use a virtual dimmer (Great virtual dimmer devicetype in the below thread as well) as the master and have both the Aeon and the Cree follow as slaves.
@jodyalbritton I use my existing Control4 dimmers which can disconnect the buttons from the load. I am pretty sure other dimmers can do this as well. The nice thing about the Control4 dimmers is they have an air gap pull that can disconnect the load at the dimmer to install a new bulb, etc.
I noticed the slider (on iPhone) only goes to 99 and your equation to set level is (level/100*255)
The max level sent to bulb is 0xfc instead of what I would assume to be the actual max of 0xff.
Any reason why slider is not allowed go to 100?
Not sure. I’ll put a ticket in. Looks like the GE Bulb does the same thing.
These things are a chore to pair. I got two of them working tonight but it took several attempts. They’re also more difficult to reset than the GE bulbs.
My first try took forever and didn’t accomplish anything even though the bulb was right next to the hub. My next attempt, I rebooted the hub, screwed in the bulb, turned on the power and it took seconds only to pair.
This bulb is officially work with ST
anyone know does this bulb work on 220 VAC ?
This bulb is very affordable
The Cree manufacturer says they are only manufactured for US and Canada, not intended for use in 220v.
Osram is a German company and their Lightify smart bulbs are made in an E27 version for Europe. Check with the company for your exact needs, but they’d be more likely to work. Much more expensive though:
Did you check the GE link smart bulbs? I don’t know if they manufacture for 220v or not, but they might.
GE Link Smart Bulb is same with Cree bulb, no information about operating voltage.
Yes, Osram is work on 220 VAC. But, is it working with Smartthings ?
Does the Cree connected bulb come in dimmable version only?
So far, yes. Dimmable white.
I bought one of the Osram Lightify bulbs (US version), and it worked on/off/dim if I used the Cree deviceType. It’s the version that has color temperature adjustment, and I’ve modified the deviceType to get that working also. They use generic Zigbee HA standards, so it’s easy to work with.
Glad to hear that.
Since it is use Zigbee, so this bulb is no need special hub like on Philips HUE. Am I right ?
Yup. Paired directly to ST.
Anyone having issues with this bulb mounted upside down? I have 2 bulbs that simply refuse to work or flash when upside down, but 4 others work just fine.
Quality control issues? Heat? Not sure…
The GE Wink Bulbs don’t have this issue.
It could also be the fixture blocking the radio signals, if the chip is in a slightly different place in the two brands.
Have you tried taking a table lamp where the bulb works right side up, turning the lamp off, holding the whole lamp upside down, and turning it back on?
If that fails, likely the chip doesn’t sit firmly, but that would be really poor design for a bulb, which should work at any angle.