Cree to offer Zigbee LED smart bulb

Did you try a factory reset and re-enrollment?

I think I did the first time this happened. I’ve also had trouble discovering them after resetting them, though.

Does it say something was discovered but won’t say what? I had that with the GE’s and every single one had to be manually set in the IDE to the right device type. The Cree’s ironically came right up. Distance from the hub is always mentioned as a factor in success for discovery, but tbh I’ve not seen that issue, either Cree or GE, near or far, in my house act the same even if inches away from the hub.

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Here is my story and what worked. I will confirm as I buy more Cree bulbs. As with many posters, I have a smart meter from iTron and could not get the Cree to pair even after numerous “resets”. So, I restarted the hub, then used one of the clamp on aluminum lamps with the cree bulb in it. I reset the bulb using the 2-1 method and as soon as it blinked and came back on, I turned off the bulb. I then placed the lamp over the hub and tried to pair. It would not work at first, so I just tried to turn the bulb off and on and it finally paired.

I will report on consistency I get on next bulbs.

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I tried the on/off method and could just not get it to work. I figured that my manual timing was off. I downloaded a free Android timer app named Seconds. This app times interval training. I setup the app to have 4 intervals and renamed the intervals on and off and used the 2 seconds off, 1 second on approach. At first I tried to use different sounds for on and off, but that was too confusing. Finally, I changed the background color for the on and off sets. This worked like a champ. I just flipped the switch each time the color changed. Like magic I was able to get the lamp into pairing mode. The next challenge I ran into was only having a second to switch over to the Smartthings app and start the search for new thing process. I finally used a second phone. One phone ran the Seconds timer and the other phone had the Smartthings app ready to go. By doing this I was able to successfully pair 4 bulbs easily.


Bought two of these bulbs from Home Depot this morning. No paring after trying everything. I could get it to reset but still no pair. Returned both this afternoon and got my money back. No current smart bulb should be this difficult.

This worked like a champ. Thanks.

We have a couple Cree Smart bulbs. We had some trouble pair too. For us the key was to pair using a lamp controlled by a wall switch a bit further from the hub.