Continuous logging out...problems logging in

since some days ST android app is continuously logging out. logging in many times does not get by the Samsung account login. at rare occasions I get passed this and login. removing and reinstalling ST app did not help. does anyone know a fix???
cheers ronald

Hi, I had the same issue, and from today I cant login into SmartThings Mobile App (Android) at all.
I see screen “You are already signed in into this device with this account” after click on “continue with this account” I am logged out.

Any idea?

Happening to me too…

same here.
There was a problem in the EU. Should be solved…not for me…

I am starting to get very disappointed in the platform… really.
Second complete outage for me in 5 weeks… 4 days unable to use the app… unacceptable!!

I think it has something with this thread: SmartThings Outage (EU Only) - Mar 23 2018

Same here 2 hubs totally unaccessible from app.

No problem here. You are using the SmartThings Classic app?

Yes, in my case, SmartThings Classic mobile app, version 2.15.1, Android.

Reminder to those in the EU…

yes ST classic app

Are you IOS or Android? If Android, validate that you have the following permissions set for ST. This same behavior would happen a long time ago if those permissions weren’t set, and they may have modified something on the backend affecting this again.

However, if you are in the “EU”, take note of the ongoing incident that was posted above:

Thanx. fixing the permissions seems to have fixed the problem.
btw I am on android and live in the EU

Totally empty😔

ST fixed som issues what @jkp described above…the ST Classic mobile app is working correctly for me again…
Thank you.

Fixing the permissions didn’t work for me. I login and it logs back out.

This is the classic app.

The new app is sending me push notifications and most devices are present but I need to access the classic app.

i cheered too soon. again it keeps hanging at the login :frowning:

yes, again some issues:

I’ve just set up a second system on a totally seperate account. Last night I could use ST classic. Today I cant. The new Connect app is slow and I can’t get a new Xiaomi contact sensor to be found. When I Try to use Classic I get an email login that redirects to a Samsung page that then tells me I’m using the wrong email or password. Really starting to question not going for HomeAssistant for this system!

I can’t log in to either the ‘classic’ or new version and I got timers that need changing because the clocks changed… tut

I too can’t log into classic and new app just does not work only had the system 1 day and already looking to return everything.