I’m looking for the best quality lux sensor for SmartThings. I recently picked up a Fibaro Motion Sensor and I think the lux part was broken…a day later the entire thing went dead and its been sent back (temp was stuck on 27 degrees too) - the lux constantly read 2 and the highest I could get it to go outside was like 100.
I’ve read that its lux isn’t the best anyway but could be improved by changing the config to report it at a change of every 20 lux (which is the sort of frequency Id want)
The one i’ve seen is the Aeon Labs multi-sensor which has lux capability, or I could pick up a lux sensor and make my own with the Arduino and the Shield.
Before I give the Fibaro another chance on a new model, any recommendations?
I’ve got a Fibaro. The lux and temp report very well as far as frequency - after having made the reporting changes as you noted. I have nothing to compare it to so I don’t know the accuracy, but based upon where it is located, the numbers seem very reasonable to me.
I’ll give them another go then with a newer version, think ill put motion sensitivity and the stuff i’m not using down quite a lot to save battery and ramp lux up to changes ever 10 which is the main reason I want it.
I went for the Gen 6 Aeon Labs Multisensor in the end, I like the fact that i can run on USB power for instant always on updates to lux and temperature, id prefer accuracy than battery power.
Fibaro seems awesome. I’ve had it for 6 months, I am checking Lux every 2 minutes and only had to change the battery once. I had the Aeon before and it was horrible (older model).
The example I just looked up for the sensor had then sewing them into clothing. What would be the purpose of that? What can these be used for? What are you using them for in HA?
I have the Fibaro motion sensor as well and have been very happy with lux and temperature reporting. It took me a while and with help from other members to get good level of lux reporting. But @CyrilPeponnet device handler has made it so easy to work with the device. Also @primarypete was able to help me out with some better lux value settings for option 40 & 42, see below. Hope it helps.
I might pick up another Fibaro as well - I want multiple lux sensors anyway. Will report back on how well or badly the Aeon Labs 6th gen works. If its rubbish i’ll just send it back.
I’ll also compare to my custom built one with the ST Shield and a lux sensor I picked up for a quid on eBay!
I have many Aeon Labs Multi 6s and they are garbage for Lux. Aeon said straight out that if the light isn’t directly falling on them then they are wildly inaccurate. I was excited since I wanted them for motion. So disappointed.
Did you ever try another Fibaro?
I know this is an old topic however still not happy about the Lux sensors out there. However I found this recently, might start another thread on this if worth it.
Anybody try this Wireless Tag ALS device? From the description it can trigger IFTTT on sudden light changes or thresholds which is perfect and flexible for all the needs. Although you do need to purchase the ethernet to connect to your wifi, it’s still seems the best so far I’ve seen. Any thoughts?
One painful issue, is there a way to view the triggers/actions of a service on IFTTT before buying a unit? Hate to spend the money and find out the triggers/actions are not what I needed. Seems to be an ongoing issue for me for many products that require purchase to create an account.
For my ‘Gloomy Lights’ piston, I have selected lights set to turn on at a low lux-level threshold and back off if the ambient lux-level rises above a high-lux-level threshold that is 15 points higher than the low level threshold. I’ve also added in timing buffers so that the lights aren’t flipping on and off.
Anyway, what is it that you dislike about existing Lux sensors?
I’m a bit confused. All sensors are capable of sensing something (Lux in this case) and then exposing that reading for use with ST. That’s pretty much it. The Sensor isn’t going to do anything with the readings or thresholds itself without ‘help’. In my case, I’m using webCoRE to read the current Lux reading from the Sensor and taking actions within ST. Depending on what you’d like to do with the Lux reading, you might be able to use the Smart Lighting app. It’s not as flexible or as capable, but it may work for your use case.
In short, any reliable lux sensor will read and expose lux levels. You’ll then need to use another tool (webCoRE, Smart Lighting, etc.) to do something with the readings.
Have I misread your intent? Let me know. Maybe I can help.
Thanks lflorack, that’s good insight for me. I do understand most all sensors have some light sensor built in but getting those values you need the “help” of some tool like you mentioned. SOmetimes not easy to find or maybe I haven’t discovered enough of them.
I ended up using an old Android device (old phone) and used Tasker which can read light level from the phone. Used that to trigger SmartTools- >ST and now it works good enough for my needs.
@Benji,. Just saw that. Very nice. Now need to find a sensor Smart Lighting detects for illuminance. Currently none of my sensors are listed. That or change a device type or hack a DH.