More details about your issue, for example, specify which devices are going offline, like Zigbee devices, or Sonoff devices (which had an issue), if it’s “random” provide 5 device names just to have a better reference.
Also, please share the timestamp on where the issues began, if it’s something recurrent, share the last timestamp
Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again.
@ScottF100, do you also have issues with devices going offline? If so, please send the info as well
I’ve seen a lot more instability with the .11 release. The soon to be retired IDE is saying I have 21 offline devices, but I may have only two or three based upon what I can see in the CLI. I’ve also noticed automations are more hit and miss than they were before in terms of turning on/off devices. For me, there is a noticeable degradation of my large Zigbee mesh. I have three new Zigbee switches I need to add to replace some older tech, but I’m afraid to do that now because if these issues.
My hub seems to be “rebooting” about every 20 minutes for the past 3 days with the firmware upgrade. Everything works for about 15 minutes, then everything goes offline and the process starts all over again.
I’m angry. Firmware 45.11 has made things worse. Only Zigbee devices (Smartthings, Sengled, etc.) are on and offline randomly, so basically I cannot trust Smartthings automations anymore. TRUST is earned. All my sensors are Zigbee so my automations are dead. Way to go Smartthings, going live with half baked firmware updates. You Beta test before going live. You probably had a tight timeframe to jump into the Thread/Matter bandwagon. It has been almost 2 weeks now. You are doing SERIOUS, irreparable damage to your platform’s reputation.
Thank God all my lightning is Caseta Lutron, rock solid for almost 5 years. Learn from the leaders.
This particular firmware version is SIGNIFICANTLY worse in terms of device stability. I would say the worst version I have encountered.
I rarely ever have issues, but since this update, most devices are going offline randomly. LAN, ZWave and Zigbee alike are having network connection problems. Routines and commands do not execute or execute after significant delay. Commands such as on/off occur randomly or are occurring extremely delayed as to appear random.
I’ve send reply to with my issue as you requested 10 am today and my HUB is open for you to analyze, do we get a auto mail reply or what, in that case i haven’t got any
The device that dropped off for me (Ikea Tradfri Outlet) fell off after the new zigbee firmware was pushed out.
It wasn’t being used for anything other than being “on” and acting as a repeater.
It never rejoined the network after the 45.11 update was pushed out.
It’s now attached to my Ikea Dirigera hub, and was completely removed from SmartThings about 2 hours before you had tagged me, so the info is likely gone now.
I have four Ikea outlets. Three are working perfectly but one turned on and then went off line. I can delete and re-add and control for about an hour before it goes off line again.
I’m fine so far, thanks for asking, I was simply commenting that the standard procedure for IT problems caused by rollout of a flawed new release is to rollback to the last working version. I have ZWave devices and they appear to be working fine on the new hub release.
My IOS app is now just displaying a spinning wheel after this update, is there any idea on when this is going to be fixed? It has been doing this for days.
I have tried logging in and off, deleting the app on my phone, downloading the latest version, etc…
i have not contacted support because im not sure if this issue has been covered here somewhere or not. The devices i mentioned earlier dont work properly using that link either. It tells me that the devices are offline