Across the board, nothing working

Just now, nothing working. No lights, no switches, nothing.

Can’t control with phone app or Alexa.

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Oh no… IDE gone dead too

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Same here.

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Yep me too. Status of course is green. :cold_sweat:

Yes, and now the app is failing, too.

Me too…

Down as well!

same here.

IDE back up for me just now.

ah, scratch that… up and back down and …now just spinning…

App is back online, but not controlling anything

NA02 and EU01 are fine; just not NA01 (graph.api).NA01 is fine now; 1521h PT. NA01 is intermittent.

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Glad my cats didn’t chew the wires… How do I turn the lights on, again? Cause I forgot since last time ST had hiccups…

Looks like things are coming back online now.

edit: nevermind! lol

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Yep, got my notification too. Fastest I’ve that come out when things go poo…

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It probably hit their offices in the bay area. :wink:


Wait, hit? What hit?

App is down again. I’ll have to have some patience

Why? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m suing! It’s the middle of the day and my lights aren’t working! It says the lights are automation right there on the box! I can’t believe this! I’m returning everything and just going to make my kids turn the lights off and on For me!

I can’t believe the disappointment… I’m going back to wink version one! At least there I knew what to expect.