6x GE Smart Fan Switch will not pair with replacement hub

My HubV2 died, would no longer get a network connection so I bought brand new HubV2 to replace it. Went through the trouble of excluding and re-adding 30+ devices. Everything worked except all 6 of my “GE 12730 Z-Wave Smart Fan Control”. Not a single one will pair with the hub.

I run them through the exclusion, says successful. I try to add back but the pairing says no devices found. I can see in the live log that the hub see’s the fans sending commands.

debug Parse returned [GE In-Wall Smart Fan Control switch is on, GE In-Wall Smart Fan Control level is 99%]
debug parse() >> zwave.parse(zw device: 25, command: 2003, payload: 63 )
debug Parse returned [GE In-Wall Smart Fan Control switch is on, GE In-Wall Smart Fan Control level is 60%]
debug parse() >> zwave.parse(zw device: 25, command: 2003, payload: 3C )
debug Parse returned [GE In-Wall Smart Fan Control switch is off]
debug parse() >> zwave.parse(zw device: 25, command: 2003, payload: 00 )

But the Super LAN Connect, will say - debug No devices to add, verified devices: [:]

I’ve tried all kinds of way to make this work, paddle up 3 times, paddle down 3 times, pulling air gap, ect ect.

Why does the exclusion say successful, why does the hub see the devices and receives data, but it just refuses to add the device?

I called Samsung and they put in a ticket to “tier 2”? Which took 6 days to call back, and all they could say that they come to the conclusion that it must be the switches problem. That maybe it has a firmware that won’t let it join?

Really? All 6 switches stopped working after the hub died?

First they tried to state that maybe going from a hubV2 to a HubV3 was the issue and that the zwave chip couldn’t join the new one. Which i then corrected them that it was exactly the same hub version, V2 and all worked prior. They are insisting that it is the switch problem. :frowning: so Samsung hub dies, and takes with it all 6 switches, man i don’t want to replace all 6 switches, that is expensive.

Anybody else have issues with adding this back to a new hub?

Any chance you are using a custom device handler? If yes, have you tried opening the device handler in IDE and save/publish for me again?

There is also a thread on not being able to add a-wave devices worth checking out if the above does not resolve your issue

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So these were using a custom device handler when they were on the old hub. But all the devices have since been deleted out of my account, so right now they don’t even appear in the account. But they will show up in the live log. There they show up as, “GE In-Wall Smart Fan Control” with the log lines i posted above. I’m guessing that the hub is just catching anything zwave being spit out in the house?

The custom device handler isn’t set to attach to any device as the “fingerprint deviceId” is commented out. So adding these back should be picking up on the built in handlers.

@jkp Thanks A Million, re-publishing the device handler that was used previously fixed the issue.

  1. republished the custom device handler that was previously used.
  2. put hub in exclusion mode
  3. toggled switch, device successfully excluded (as it always did)
  4. start device add, toggle switch, “Z-Wave Dimmer” device appears! Finally!

Should of just came here first instead of calling. I did do a lot of searching but never came across that page. I only called because my first thoughts was that it was something account related, like the device was stuck on the account and that is why it would not add it a second time. I should of known better. So much for Tier 2 support Samsung…

Horrible, and typical all other devices must of broke all at the Same Time.

Funny that I had to republish the old device handler, it isn’t tied to the fingerprint id. Even when it did finally work, it came in as the default handler like it should of all along.

Thanks Again.