Z-Wave siren issues

Continuing the discussion from Using SmartPower Outlet as siren control:

I’m trying to control a generic siren (120V powered) using SmartThings. I purchased a Z-wave outlet module (Linear WO15Z), paired it with my V2 hub, and confirmed that it could be controlled as a Z-wave relay. I then changed the device type to “Z-wave siren” in the IDE to be able to use it as a siren with Smart Home Monitor security alerts. From the “things” view in the iOS app, the device shows up as a siren and can be successfully switched on and off. However, after adding it to security alerts in Smart Home Monitor, the siren never activates when intrusion is detected. How can I troubleshoot this?

Here’s a log excerpt. I armed SHM to stay, opened a door, received the alert, but no siren.

I just looked at the z-wave siren template and it’s missing the “siren” command which is most likely what SHM is using to turn on the alarm.

Try changing it to the Aeon Siren Device Type.

Based on the log message in the iOS app “activity feed” display, SHM is sending a “both” command to the siren. In the Z-Wave siren template, there is a both() definition that references the on() command. Do you know if there’s a way to debug this process and see exactly what SHM is sending to the device handler?

I did try the Aeon siren device type, but it wouldn’t control the outlet module. Not sure why, I didn’t dive into the device handler.

Sorry about that, I forgot that the Aeon Siren uses secure commands so that makes sense that it didn’t work.

[quote=“pswired, post:4, topic:40227, full:true”]
Based on the log message in the iOS app “activity feed” display, SHM is sending a “both” command to the siren.[/quote]
Thanks, that’s good to know.

I don’t see “sending on” in your screenshot, but the zwave siren template shows that it should be written when the on command is called by the both command.

If you turn the “siren” on through the mobile app, does “sending on” appear in Live logging?

Here’s what appears in live logging when I manually activate the siren with the app:

ae5404eb-e6f4-48f2-9b23-cdc97f40c200 8:08:52 PM: debug sending off
ae5404eb-e6f4-48f2-9b23-cdc97f40c200 8:08:49 PM: debug sending stobe/on command

And here’s what happens when I set the alarm off:

118f28e7-52c4-433e-9bec-ffd420a4be98 8:11:31 PM: debug summaryData: [[icon:indicator-dot-red, iconColor:#e86d13, value:Intruder Detected!]] - [[icon:indicator-dot-red, value:Intruder Detected!, iconColor:#e86d13]]
118f28e7-52c4-433e-9bec-ffd420a4be98 8:11:32 PM: debug summaryData: [[icon:indicator-dot-red, iconColor:#e86d13, value:Intruder Detected!]] - [[icon:indicator-dot-red, value:Intruder Detected!, iconColor:#e86d13]]
f09b0fd7-0d62-466f-914c-cc2db6471bbb 8:11:31 PM: trace onSecurityReact([3726219c-7ca9-4169-beac-e34fbecd08e5:[[attribute:contact, value:open, timestamp:1456362689221]]])
f09b0fd7-0d62-466f-914c-cc2db6471bbb 8:11:31 PM: debug summaryData: [[icon:indicator-dot-red, iconColor:#e86d13, value:Intruder Detected!]] - [[icon:indicator-dot-green, value:Armed (stay), iconColor:#90ee90], [icon:indicator-dot-green, value:Everything OK, iconColor:#79b821]]
f09b0fd7-0d62-466f-914c-cc2db6471bbb 8:11:31 PM: info SHM-INCIDENT SECURITY ISA: f09b0fd7-0d62-466f-914c-cc2db6471bbb
f09b0fd7-0d62-466f-914c-cc2db6471bbb 8:11:31 PM: trace No delay
f09b0fd7-0d62-466f-914c-cc2db6471bbb 8:11:31 PM: trace intrusionHandler(contact: open) - stay
b4657b92-6f6a-4925-8f66-021c768bf4b7 8:11:30 PM: debug onContactChange

I don’t see anything in the live logging for either the “security/alert with sirens” smartapp, or for the alarm siren device when the intrusion is detected…

If you still have the outlet device handler you originally modified before you knew it wouldn’t run locally, can you make the changes below and see if the intrusion detection sets it off with that handler?

I know it’s not a solution, but it should help us see what’s going on behind the scenes.

def siren() {
	log.debug "Siren called"

def strobe() {
	log.debug "Strobe called"

def both() {
	log.debug "Both called"
1 Like

Good idea.

Logs show that it sent a both command:

b7cc2b30-239d-4d28-b9fb-00a34ff5a116 8:36:28 PM: info [name:power, value:41, type:power]
b7cc2b30-239d-4d28-b9fb-00a34ff5a116 8:36:28 PM: debug description is read attr - raw: 55A4010B040A0B05292900, dni: 55A4, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0B04, size: 0A, attrId: 050b, encoding: 29, value: 0029
b7cc2b30-239d-4d28-b9fb-00a34ff5a116 8:36:28 PM: info [name:switch, value:on, type:switch]
b7cc2b30-239d-4d28-b9fb-00a34ff5a116 8:36:28 PM: debug description is catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0140 00 55A4 00 00 0000 0B 01 0100
b7cc2b30-239d-4d28-b9fb-00a34ff5a116 8:36:28 PM: info [type:switch, name:switch, value:on]
b7cc2b30-239d-4d28-b9fb-00a34ff5a116 8:36:28 PM: debug description is on/off: 1
b7cc2b30-239d-4d28-b9fb-00a34ff5a116 8:36:27 PM: debug Both called

Also note that this time the “security/alert with sirens” app logged messages:

54a5c0f6-fe96-4ce2-98cb-119a95a0f8b0 8:36:44 PM: trace resetTrigger()
54a5c0f6-fe96-4ce2-98cb-119a95a0f8b0 8:36:44 PM: debug INITIALIZED, settings: [sirenDevices:[Alarm Bell], sirenDuration:5, triggerResetTime:1456364204372, contactSensors:[Front Door, Carport Door, MBR Exterior Door, Basement Stairway Entry Door, Shed Door, Patio Door]]
54a5c0f6-fe96-4ce2-98cb-119a95a0f8b0 8:36:44 PM: debug Updated with settings: [sirenDevices:[Alarm Bell], sirenDuration:5, triggerResetTime:1456364204372, contactSensors:[Front Door, Carport Door, MBR Exterior Door, Basement Stairway Entry Door, Shed Door, Patio Door]]
54a5c0f6-fe96-4ce2-98cb-119a95a0f8b0 8:36:27 PM: debug scheduling secondaryActionHandler in 5 minutes
54a5c0f6-fe96-4ce2-98cb-119a95a0f8b0 8:36:27 PM: debug actionTriggered
54a5c0f6-fe96-4ce2-98cb-119a95a0f8b0 8:36:27 PM: info primaryActionHandler(contact: open), triggerResetTime: 1456362996508, state.lastTriggered: null

It looks to me like SHM is never triggering the security/alert with sirens handler with this other device.

[quote=“pswired, post:11, topic:40227”]
It looks to me like SHM is never triggering the security/alert with sirens handler with this other device.
[/quote]Just to clarify, everything worked correctly with the modified DH?

Yup. Siren activates when SHM intrusion detected, and it stops when the mute button in app is pressed.

Also, just to be clear, the working siren scenario is the zigbee SmartPower Outlet with modified device handler. The nonworking scenario is the z-wave outlet module using the stock “z-wave siren” device handler.

[quote=“pswired, post:14, topic:40227”]
working siren scenario is the zigbee SmartPower Outlet with modified device handler. The nonworking scenario is the z-wave outlet module using the stock “z-wave siren” device handler.
[/quote]I’m glad you said this because that’s most likely the problem. The on command for a zigbee device is didn’t than the on command for a z-wave device so that’s probably why it’s not working.

I’ve verified that the code shown in the zwave template does not match the code of the actual zwave device handler which is most likely the reason we’re not seeing the expected results in the live logging window.

Can you elaborate? Does SHM not send a both() command to the device handler if it knows that the device it’s talking to is a z-wave device?

Also, how are you looking at the code for the actual built-in device handlers? I thought that it would be identical to what was available via template when creating a custom device handler?

Now I’m confused… The outlet is a zigbee device, but it still turns on and off while using the zwave siren device type?

Sorry, I should be more clear. I have both a z-wave and a zigbee outlet module. I’m trying to get the z-wave module working so that I can use a stock device handler (z-wave siren) in order to retain local control abilities for the siren.

[quote=“pswired, post:16, topic:40227”]
I thought that it would be identical to what was available via template when creating a custom device handler?
[/quote]That would make sense, but if you look through all the templates, you’ll find that some of them don’t return a template and others return templates with empty commands.

I verified by creating a virtual device and testing it with the default zwave siren device type and then creating that device handler using the template and the functionality wasn’t the same.

Huh. Any suggestions for how to proceed now? Do you think ST support would be willing to help if I submitted a case?