Saint Valentine’s Day Z-Wave Massacre
Fix bad merge that resulted in missing require
Commit by greens in Fix bad merge that resulted in missing requireSmartThingsCommunity:production
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Saint Valentine’s Day Z-Wave Massacre
I was so hoping i was not the only one. I was proposing myself to call.
I came on the community hoping I was not isolated with this issue. I am surprised this thread is just starting now.
My point : thanks for sharing and reporting to support . it is appreciated!
This is my situation, as well, and why I came here. Some of my Z-Wave devices are working fine, but a whole bunch of them stopped working this afternoon. At least now I know it’s not unique to me. Hopefully they will fix whatever it is soon?
reported. Thank you, JD!
*** UPDATE ***
All is good. New driver. I unplugged and restarted.
This looks like 7:51:42 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
I’m not sure if it’s worth noting, but Smart Home Monitor isn’t responding to automation either… Automations do seem to execute because I have some devices respond.
I hate it, but, I’m glad it’s not isolated to me… Now I have to re-learn how to manually operate a light switch and remember to shut it off when I leave the room
Yeah, that’s not an option for me.
I have to go to plan D:
(not my dog, but mine knows the same behavior)
This seems very odd to me. How could a driver update to Z-wave cause an increased amount of messages on the ST network. Z-wave should only be sending messages internal to it’s own local network. Unless the messages are people complaining or heart beat/status messages where the driver is just flooding ST with status messages and it’s clogging up the channels back to the driver
This seems very odd to me. How could a driver update to Z-wave cause an increased amount of messages on the ST network. Z-wave should only be sending messages internal to it’s own local network. Unless the messages are people complaining or heart beat/status messages where the driver is just flooding ST with status messages and it’s clogging up the channels back to the driver
It could be either of those with the smartthings architecture. Remember that the smartthings app doesn’t talk directly to the hub, it gets its information from the cloud. So everytime something happens with your local Z wave network, the hub reports it to the cloud so the cloud can update the app.
That said, since people are not also reporting problems with Zigbee devices, I’m guessing that all of the messaging is the local Z wave messaging and that’s why the problem is that you can’t control your own Z wave devices on your own local Z wave network. But I don’t know any details.
I had this Aeon Labs Micro Smart Switch in ZWave since over 5 years. This turns a light on and reports the energy. Looks like today it was automatically migrated to the edge Z-Wave swich driver is from Smartthings, driver version 02/14/2023. When I click on select different driver it displays no results are found. The interesting thing is that I have another one just like this that was not changed. What do I need to do to get this working again? Is there another driver I need to enable and try? Or I’m supposed to open some kind of ticket? I hope this is the right place to ask, if not please guide me. Thanks in advance for your response.
Lots of Z wave devices broke today
Z-wave devices just stopped working throughout the house (14 Feb 2023)
I had this Aeon Labs Micro Smart Switch in ZWave since over 5 years. This turns a light on and reports the energy. Looks like today it was automatically migrated to the edge Z-Wave swich driver is from Smartthings, driver version 02/14/2023. When I click on select different driver it displays no results are found. The interesting thing is that I have another one just like this that was not changed. What do I need to do to get this working again? Is there another driver I need to enable and try? Or I’m supposed to open some kind of ticket? I hope this is the right place to ask, if not please guide me. Thanks in advance for your response.
There’s a current systemwide problem affecting many zwave devices. I’ve moved your post to that thread. Go up to the top of this thread and you can read about it.
I wonder who thought it’d be a great idea to schedule this on Valentine’s day.
Misery loves company. Glad to see I’m not alone here…
Hopefully this gets resolved soon and (it it too much too wish) that some of the fubar’d switches will once again work?
Just a heads up that they sent out a notice things should be resolving. I restarted my hub manually and everything is working again now.
Thanks for your reply. I found the status page and did the suggested hub restart. This fix it.
How could a driver update to Z-wave cause an increased amount of messages on the ST network.
SmartThings usually releases driver updates on Tuesdays. looks like the zwave switch driver got a bug fix update in prod about 5 hours ago and then the hot fix for the driver was moved in an hour ago:
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Restarted my hub just now, did not fix the issue for me. I’m in US, on na02-useast1 IDE server (if that even matters now in this “edge” world…