I’ve been having a long term issue with one of my Conexis L1 locks (firmware 1.0.0, and faces west), which causes it to alarm when there’s wind and rain coming from an easterly direction.
From looking online a while back, it is a known problem, and is resolved with a firmware update.
The only way to update the firmware, is to get a firmware update module, and I requested one from Yale Support, back in November 2020. I last followed this up a few days ago, and Yale continue to say there are no modules available.
They ask that all modules be returned to them, after the user has updated their lock(s), so looks like there are a lot of modules not being sent back.
So asking if anyone has one of these precious firmware update modules (or knows someone who has one), that they could send to me. I’d then update my locks, and will send the module back to the that person.
It’s a really annoying problem, and the only was I have (just now) to stop the lock alarming, is to remove the batteries during the weather period, which can be frequent in the very north of Scotland.
My locks were installed in 2018, so they’re also outside of the 2 year Yale warranty period.
So, any help appreciated.