I’m looking to get a keypad and after looking around I think I’m looking to get the XFINITY CENTRALITE 3400 does anyone know if this works with the UK smartthings and know anywhere in the UK I can get it as I can only find it on American sites? Or an alternative that is in the UK that works the same. I just want a keypad for using as an entry and exit to turn on and off the alarm to do away with the presence sensors that it unreliable. With a delay and if possible an alarm/beep to remind you to put in the code after entry. Hope this all makes sense. Cheers
Unfortunately, that model is not available in the UK.
There is a smaller keypad which is available through Zipato. It’s zwave, so make sure you get the European zwave frequency, which starts with 8, not 9. There are some community members using this.
Popp makes a 12 button Z wave keypad which is available only on the EU frequency And uses central scene commands. @rboy has a device type handler for it, and there are some community members using it, but it’s quite expensive at £180.
Hi @JDRoberts thank you for your quick response. It’s a little disappointing that it’s not available. I can see the Zipato has a home and away button but not a night mode one would you know if there would be a work around for this? The popp one I assume only has an arm and disarm key is there also a work around for this? It’s a little pricey but if it does what I would like then it’ll have to do.
With either, you should be able to put in a specific code and then have that trigger a mode change, it’s just a matter of setting up the automation. But that’s a security vulnerability if you’re going to put the keypad on the outside of the house as someone might be able to change the mode by accident if they were attempting to guess at codes.
I’m after it being on the inside with a 30 second delay which after looking into isn’t as easy to setup as I’d hoped. I suppose I could set up a separate RFID tag just as a night time one? The only difference between night time and away are a few of the motion sensors don’t come on.
It may work if there is a DTH for this device that has the same commands as Mitch Pond’s Centralite centric DTH. Also check with @RBoy, he may have a paid for DTH for this device.
Thank you both for your help. I won’t be getting this until next month as I’m not going to get the time this month. I’m sure I’ll be back in touch when trying to set it up.
Thanks again
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
While it’s true that it’s the same frequency, The EU and the UK have placed restrictions on the allowed transmission power allowed for zigbee which is around 60% that of the value allowed in the US. For this reason, not all zigbee home automation devices sold in the US are legal to import or operate in the UK. Anything which uses “boosted” zigbee or amplified zigbee will not be legal in the UK.
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(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
Good point, I think it’s possible to control ZigBee (and even Z-Wave) power levels through a DTH. Something to consider for cross country use of ZigBee devices.
I have finally gotten around to getting the Zipato Mini Keypad. I have installed this DTH Zipato / Benext / Wintop RFID Mini Keypad which works well as a switch but not much else, as originally mentioned im looking to introduce a night mode which was suggested I could use a keycode to trigger this which I pretty sure this DTH doesnt have?
Im also looking to introduce a 30 second delay which again im not sure will work with this DTH as its quite limited.
Can anyone confirm if im wrong and what I can do, or if anyone knows of a better DTH to use with this keypad.
I have managed to get the delay to work but does anyone have any idea how to get this keypad to set into night mode using a set code or some other method?
I don’t think I properly understand you goal, but I’ll do my best to respond.
You mentioned that you would like to have a code you can enter that is set up to trigger night mode. However, there is no way to enter a code on the zipato - it only has “home” and “away” buttons.
It might be possible for you to consider certain RFID tags as “night mode” RFID tags, and to take special action based on that in a webcore piston. (I’m not very familiar with webcore, so someone else might jump in to provide an example).
The relevant code in the device handler is here: https://github.com/seanblanchfield/smartthings-zipato-rfid/blob/master/zwave-zipato-rfid.groovy#L469
Pressing “away” with a valid tag currently sends some events, like the “lastsetby” event containing the value of the username, and then it sets the “switch” to “on” (which most people react to by arming away mode in smart home monitor). You could add a special event that is only sent if one of your night-mode-only RFID tags is used. If you don’t want to modify the device handler, you could instead set up your webcore piston so that if “lastsetby” is sent from one of these special tags and the switch is currently “off”, then to trigger night mode. You would also need to trigger away mode from the piston if “lastsetby” corresponds to one of your other RFID tags.
I think the above could be made to work, but I imagine it would be a bit confusing to try to remember which RFID tag to use at night vs when you are leaving the house.
Hi Sean , thank you for your help. I have never before managed to use Webcore successfully, however I have managed to set up an RFID tag to trigger a piston that sets nightmode and we will use codes to enter and exit.
My code is probably messy, clunky and a little backwards but I’m happy I managed to get it to do what I required.
Thanks. I was being a bit dense. I take it you have configured codes containing the digits 1,2,3 and 4. I had forgot I put that functionality into the device handler! A 4 digit code of that type has just 256 possible values, but I guess it’s acceptable if an intruder doesn’t have time to try more than a handful before your alarm activates. I found it easier from the start to just use RFID tags to arm/disarm.
Yeah I’m currently only using the RFID tag that came with the unit I will get some more at a later date just needed to make sure I could use it how I wanted to before I bought extras.
@seanblanchfield do you happen to know if it is possible to utilise the Zipatos beeper. I’m wondering if it can be set up so when the front door is opened and ST is armed can the zipato beep for upto 30seconds until the alarm is deactivated/activated?