We’re currently running an Indiegogo campaign to bring Motes to life. The current family includes a Bluetooth Low Energy humidity/temperature/light sensor, a plant growing sensor, and an “object thermometer” that measures infrared emissivity.
The link is here:
Firstly, I thought some of you might be interested in the campaign as it seems a nice augment to a Smartthings hub.
Secondly, I wanted to solicit feedback on our product/campaign from folks “in the know”.
Now that there’s going to be a BLE->WiFi bridge and/or Raspberry Pi support to build your own bridge, this sounds great. It should make SmartThings integration pretty easy!
Is that the case, though? Would the bridge allow for easy integration into SmartThings? I read previously that support for wifi-based devices will take a lot longer than support for Zigbee or Z-wave devices. @wimoto: perhaps you can shed some light on whether your team would be expending any effort to make these work with SmartThings?
@Gray Yes, we’ll make a reasonable amount of effort to get it working as there’s probably very little overlap with the market for our bridge versus the Smartthings hub. We’ve signed up here (obviously) and contacted the Smartthings folk offline to discuss.
@Gray Well, I can’t speak on behalf of Smartthings, but Alex Hawkinson publicly stated support for Bluetooth Low Energy a couple of months ago. I’m not privy to where things stand, but I believe it’s still on the roadmap?