I’ve had a WeMo insight switch working fine in WeMo app for a light ok on/ off sequences.
Other day ST in the UK made some WeMo fully compatible. I’ve added the insight into ST and can see it in ST using the WeMo connect smartapp.
However the light now hasn’t been coming on. Is this because it’s now controlled by ST and I have to program it in ST? Putting it on ST, even though my WeMo app is still installed and had sequence, mean ST now controls it?
If so how do I get a basic on at a time, off at a time, using rule machine?
It’s up to you really. ST has more options, well Rule Machine inside ST has more options than the WeMo app does. Good luck getting it to stay working for more than a month though. In my experience after initial configuration ST forgets how to talk to your WeMos. I use IFTTT to talk between the two, works great minus the lag.
I do not have any issues with my WeMo Switch, WeMo Insight or any of my WeMo bulbs. They have been running via ST rules etc. faultlessly (as long as you ignore ST issues).
I have given my WeMo devices and ST hub fixed IP addresses on my router as I believe this increases stability and reliability.
Perhaps that is why I have relatively few issues.