I’ve found that when installing smart switches I have to use the short cover plate screws. The long screws that come with cover plates seem to go too deep and hit something internally that makes the switch not work.
Are your cover plate screws short? I agree with Jason that the install looks great!
@Ryan00, I have over 30 motion sensors from several manufactures (zigbee and zwave), The zigbee ones from Iris and SmartThings are, in my opinion, better than any of the zwave ones I own.
Not sure why i thought changing out 9 switches in one day was a good idea… weekend project DONE!
(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
I have the following motion sensors:
Four Enerwave Ceiling mounted Zwave motion sensors.
Two EcoLink motion sensors (also called monoprice)
Two Iris motion sensors
I give the Enerwaves 8/10 stars. Deduct 2 points for difficulty in setup. Very sensitive, very fast, 15 second reset. Great on batter life. 360 degree sight
I give the Iris sensors 10/10 stars. I just got them today, but I love them already. More sensitive and faster reporting than the Enerwaves. Very easy to pair with ST. Small, Awesome so far.
I give the EcoLinks -20/10 stars. I hate these pieces of crap. Slow to respond. As sensitive as Charles Manson. Long reset time. Often it just sits there watching you jump around like an idiot… while it does nothing, and then goes back to sleep.
I’ll get more of the Iris sensors. They are cheap and they are great. I wish I would have gotten them before the Enerwave sensors.